Your 'timer program' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
** Your General Comment **
I have not heard whether my lab equipment was ready at the bookstore. I will have to wait until next week to most of the first experiments. PLEASE let me know if the equipment is ready at the bookstore for my pick up.
A note was posted to your Access Page on 6/03 indicating that your initial materials packet would be in the bookstore the next day. I expect that it is still there.
Only the TIMER experiment was assigned with Assignment 0.
You can continue to work on assignments, and put the things that require this package until you receive it.
** Describe what you see on your first 10 clicks **
When the button is clicked, a count, a total elapsed time, and time difference is shown.
** Your TIMER data from 20 fast clicks **
1 93.07422 93.07422
2 93.21094 .1367188
3 93.36328 .1523438
4 93.51563 .1523438
5 93.67578 .1601563
6 93.82031 .1445313
7 94.10547 .2851563
8 94.25 .1445313
9 94.36328 .1132813
10 94.43359 .0703125
11 94.57031 .1367188
12 94.73047 .1601563
13 94.89063 .1601563
14 95.05078 .1601563
15 95.35156 .3007813
16 95.48438 .1328125
17 95.64453 .1601563
18 95.8125 .1679688
19 95.98047 .1679688
20 96.13281 .1523438
21 96.30078 .1679688
22 96.44141 .140625
23 96.60938 .1679688
24 96.77734 .1679688
25 96.89063 .1132813
** Your average time interval for 20 time intervals **
I copied all the data into an excel spreadsheet, eliminated the irrelevant data and used the =average() formula to get an average of the data.
The time intervals between your quick clicks were consistently less than .25 second. So your mean time interval, which is very much greater than any of the times between your quick clicks, cannot be correct.
This discrepancy probably resulted from including in the averaging process one or more time intervals which do not represent times between quick clicks.
Please respond with a copy of this question, a copy of any other part of this document you wish to include, and an appropriate response. Your response might be an answer to a question, a revision of your original response, or a question indicating what you do and do not understand about the situation along with a request for clarification. Indicate your response using the symbols *#. As your title use the 'response title' suggested above (just copy and paste that title into the Title box of the Submit Work form); if no suggested title was given use your own title.
** Your frequency distribution for the 20 time intervals (interval, number of times it was observed) **
.1367188, 2
.1523438, 3
.1601563, 5
.1445313, 2
.1679688, 4
93.07422, 1
.2851563, 1
.1132813, 2
.0703125, 1
.3007813, 1
.1328125, 1
.140625, 1
** Your general comment to this point **
** Why did you observe only certain time intervals? **
The user is flawed, I can not click the same rate all the time, I am not a robot.
** What did you see when you looked at the differences between time successive time intervals? **
I see intervals that are negative and positive However, most are a little shorter than previous. Some are longer as well, but most are shorter.
** Your time intervals for 7 complete breaths: **
959.4023 seconds might get you into the Guinness Book of World Records.
** Your general comment to this point: **
** Why did you rarely, if ever, observe that same time interval twice? **
Because slow deep breaths are not a constant effort. They are slow and not consistent, especially because we are thinking about our breathing, that makes them especially inconsistent.
** Do you think this program is accurate to .1 or .01 ... **
.01 seconds
I believe the timer is significant to .01 seconds because that is about how fast a human can click. Anything faster is not possible and may not be accurate.
** Copy of a few lines of your spreadsheet from the TIMER program. **
series of regular breaths time at beginning of inhalation
event number,clock time,time interval
1 , 959.4023 , 959.4023
2 , 965.1719 , 5.769531
3 , 972.7773 , 7.605469
4 , 978.8359 , 6.058594
5 , 984.3164 , 5.480469
6 , 990.3477 , 6.03125
7 , 996.0117 , 5.664063
8 , 1001.539 , 5.527344
9 , 1007.828 , 6.289063
10 , 1013.41 , 5.582031
** **
Half hour
** **
Aside from the extraneous data you included in your analysis, your responses were very good.