E-mail catching up

course PHY202

This is just a copy of an e-mail, you said it's best to use this form.

Thanks for the note. I believe I responded to the email.

Note that when you copy an entire email message into your submitted document it might contain your name and email address, which could compromise your privacy by being posted at your access site. I try to eliminate such references, and believe I have done so in this document, but I cannot guarantee I will always catch these references. The name you submit as part of the form response will not be posted, but information in the text of your message might.

I've completed the following labs, but need to enter them on the Submitt Work form, which I'll do.

1)Temperature vs. clock time for Water in a Cup

2) Raising Water in a Vertical Tube

3)Formatting Guidelines and Conventions

4) Optical Distortion of Paper Rulers

5) Error Analysis Part 1

I need to finish Experiments using the Kinmodel Simulationand Error Analysys 2, which I should have done by tomorrow evening.

As you stated in you write up about knowing what a student wants out of the class, I need this class as my last credits to graduate from ODU in August, so I'll do what every it takes to catch up and finish.



> I almost had to drop the course do to career change

>but that's been cancelled and I want to complete the course

>because it is my last course for graduation form ODU. I know

>I'm probably a little behind now but will contact the

>bookstore tomorrow to have my supplies shipped express and

>will catch up.
