question form


Phy 232

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** Question Form_labelMessages **

Interference Lab clarification

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In a previous question you answered that The Assignments Table had you linked to the wrong document. Thanks for pointing this out. in reference to my question about the interference lab. However, the assignment link still takes me to the same place it did before. It takes me to a web address that is labelled experiments 25-29 optics. The inference lab on this page continues to reference a clear plate which I do not have because we are supposed to use the clear plastic that was stapled to our ruler sheets. Is there supposed to be a different lab that follow the clear plastic sheet that we are given, or am I supposed to try and do the lab on the web page that has experiments 25-29? Essentially I'm confused about your statement regarding fixing a link because I am still taken to the same place that I was before


The correct link is 29:  Interference

The experiment superficially looks the same as it did before, but there is no longer a reference to a piece of plastic with threads. What you use is the transparency that was stapled to the paper rulers in your Initial Materials Package.

To see the revised version you might need to refresh the page.
