question form

Mth 272

Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

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I have a question about this whole course in general.

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I need to know if you have received my homework and if you communicate frequently through email. I have emailed you several times and have not received but a few emails back. I am so confused. I am trying to finish the course early and have struggled to contact you.

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The form is preferable to email--it gets my first attention, and it includes the information I need to review your work.

However the emails should have received a response by now. I'll double-check.

You do not appear to have completed the 8 steps of the Orientation. This would explain your confusion.

You have completed the first three steps, but should complete the rest.

It might not be necessary for you to do all of Step 8 of the Orientation, but you certainly need to do the Typewriter Notation and Describing Graphs exercises so you will know how to communicate the notation and describe graphs.

You should also review my notes on the work you have submitted. Do you know how to locate your acces page, per instructions I sent you with your access code?

The assignments page includes links to Open Queries, which are used in much the same way as the files you have submitted.

Note also that you were apparently not placed on my mailing list, due to late registration. I've just put you on the list and sent you a recent message about testing.