Mth 272
Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
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Test 4 grade? Also, do we have a grade page that informs us on where we stand in the class? Thanks!
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I was just wondering what I received for a grade on the first test. In addition to my test 4, I would love to know where I stand with grades on homework, as well. With this information, I will have an understanding of what I need on other assignments and usually will be much more calm during exams. Thanks!
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All indications at the present indicate that you're doing well. Test results are the most important indication, of course, and they should be forthcoming soon
I have your test and will begin grading tests as soon as I'm caught up on submitted work, which should be sometime this weekend.
Email me Monday for results.