mth 272
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Mr. Smith,
My UVA course is from Thursday, July 9th, through Wednesday, August 5th. The class is Monday through Friday, with lecture from 8:00-10:15 in the morning and discussion from 3:30-4:30 in the afternoon, everyday. I have spoken with the employees at the learning assistance center at Piedmont Valley Community College, and they said that it would not be a problem taking my exams there, assuming you would approve the location. Also, if I could get an extension of a week to take the chapter 7 exam, that would be great. I can take chapter 6 exam at Piedmont, and then, if I get an extension, take the exam for chapter 7 around Wednesday, August 12th. Let me know what you think. Thanks!
Justin Rexrode
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All of that sounds fine. Should work with no problem.
Submit a Proctor Request form for their location, and I'll send them a set of suggested procedures.