course PHY121
Hello, this is , I am the designer for our group (Group 9). In our group you have been assigned the role of interpret meaning you will summarize the data in terms of the hypothesis and may also add additional insights as well as questions that have arisen during the process. Our experiment will be to time an egg down an incline to test if the eggs physical state (raw or hard-boiled) will have a measurable effect on the eggs' final velocity, average velocity, and acceleration.I look forward to working with you in the coming weeks andwill begin sending official information as soon as I can.Thank You,
Tylor Franklin
p.s. below I have attached a copy of our time table
Feb. 27: Draft of instructions for experimentalist to instructor, along with rough outline of instructions for data analyst and interpreter.
March 6: Instructions to experimentalist
March 20: Receive data from experimentalist
March 25: Draft of instructions to data analyst send to instructor for feedback.
March 27: Data to data analyst with instructions for analysis.
April 3: Receive analysis
April 8: Draft of instructions to interpreter send to instructor for feedback.
April 10: Analysis to interpreter
April 17: Receive interpretation
April 24: Submit report."
Thanks, and please continue to keep me in the loop.