Kinmodel Experiment

course PHY 242

Dear Professor Smith, Here is one of the three labs that I had earlier emailed you about. After I send you the other two I should have at least 70% of the labs completed. Also, next week is my Spring Break from King College and I am going to try and complete the tests for PHY 242 so that my Incomplete can be taken care of before the end of the semester.

Your work has been received. Please scroll through the document to see any inserted notes (inserted at the appropriate place in the document, in boldface) and a note at the end. The note at the end of the file will confirm that the file has been reviewed; be sure to read that note. If there is no note at the end, notify the instructor through the Submit Work form, and include the date of the posting to your access page.


No speed are shown on the ""billard simulation"".

Collisions occur every few seconds.


- Is slower and has a greater mass, thus it has a greater momentum than the green molecules but is overall weaker than the red molecule.

The blue molecule never turned yellow but did merge with the green molecules on occasion.

No graphs were present, but they probably show the changes in mometum and kinetic energies of the different molecules.

Experiment kinmodel_03: Equipartition of energy and the direction of disorder to (increasing or decreasing)

- At first the x and y kinetic energies are equal.

- At first the energies are equal.

- The average of the x kinetic energies is 443.1

y kinetic energies is 448.6

- There is no significant difference between the two kinetic energies. However, the higher one will most likely change each time.


Your results here are good.