course phy201
My finger speeds up
Now hold your index finger horizontal, parallel to the floor, and similarly trace the up-and-down motion of the projectile. Does your finger speed up or slow down, and if so where does it do each?
It speeds up at the beginning of the projectile, then slows at the top of the projectile and then speeds up again as the buick if falling
How do you think the acceleration and velocity vectors would behave for this motion?
I would think it would accelerate in the beginning, then decelerate at the top of the vector and accelerate again as it slows down.
Your perception of increasing velocity at the beginning is probably influenced by your expectation. To get its upward start the object would certaintly have to be sped up, but this occurs before it appears on the screen. It will be slowing from the first instant you see it, just as a ball thrown upward starts slowing the instant it leaves your hand.