question form


Math 163

Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

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Prior to opening the link to the Major Quiz in Assignment 6, I had been copying and pasting the weekly quizes, then completing them and submitting them to you. Therefore, in error, I assumed the Major Quiz would be the same and went to the link and found that the instructions stated that this quiz must be taken at the testing center at the college.


• Test is to be taken without reference to text or outside notes.

• Graphing Calculator is allowed, as is blank paper or testing center paper.

• No time limit but test is to be taken in one sitting.

• Please place completed test in Dave Smith's folder, OR mail to Dave Smith, Science and Engineering, Va. Highlands CC, Abingdon, Va., 24212-0828 OR email copy of document to, OR fax to 276-739-2590. Test must be returned by individual or agency supervising test. Test is not to be returned to student after it has been taken. Student may, if proctor deems it feasible, make and retain a copy of the test..

My question is What do I do now? Can I still come to the testing center and take a quiz on these subjects? If so, can I take this quiz on Monday or Tuesday next week?

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Now that I have opened the quiz link at home and not at the testing center, do I still have the opportunity to come to testing center and take another quiz on these subjects?

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There's a new quiz every 5 minutes. There's no restriction at all in looking at them.