hw asst  24

course Mth 272

缇渞窢脸獧新3箼assignment #024


Applied Calculus II




Query problem 7.2.52 (was 7.2.48) identify quadric surface z^2 = x^2 + y^2/2.



z^2 = x^2 + y^2/2

x^2 + y^2/2 - z^2 = 0

this is a hyperboloid of two sheets with the y-axis as its axis

confidence assessment: 1




What is the name of this quadric surface, and why?



I've changed my mind. I think that it is an elliptic cone with its axis on the z-axis because this is the variable whose coefficient is negative.

my equation x^2 + y^2/2 - z^2 = 0 fits the equation of of an elliptic cone. the traces in the coordinate planes parallel to the z-axis are intersecting lines.

confidence assessment: 2

Good. Compare with the following:

** If z = c, a constant, then x^2 + y^2/2 = c^2, or x^2 / c^2 + y^2 / (`sqrt(2) * c)^2 = 1. This gives you ellipse with major axis c and minor axis `sqrt(2) * c. Thus for any plane parallel to the x-y plane and lying at distance c from the x-y plane, the trace of the surface is an ellipse.

In the x-z plane the trace is x^2 - z^2 = 0, or x^2 = z^2, or x = +- z. Thus the trace in the x-z plane is two straight lines.

In the y-z plane the trace is y^2 - z^2/2 = 0, or y^2 = z^2/2, or y = +- z * `sqrt(2) / 2. Thus the trace in the y-z plane is two straight lines.

The x-z and y-z traces show you that the ellipses in the 'horizontal' planes change linearly with their distance from the x-y plane. This is the way cones grow, with straight lines running up and down from the apex. Thus the surface is an elliptical cone. **




07-28-2008 14:58:41

Give the equation of the xz trace of this surface and describe its shape, including a justification for your answer.


NOTES -------> x^2 + y^2/2



Describe in detail the z = 2 trace of this surface.



oops, hit enter response by accident. I think it wanted me to find the xy trace.

x^2 + y^2/2 - z^2 = 0

x^2 + y^2/2 - 0^2 = 0

x^2 + y^2/2 = 0

z = 2 trace of this surface

x^2 + y^2/2 - 2^2 = 0

x^2 + y^2/2 = 4

x^2 + y^2/2 = 2^2

confidence assessment: 1


You'll be able to tell to what the following refer:

** The xz trace consists of the y = 0 points, which for z^2 = x^2 + y^2/2 is z^2 = x^2 + 0^2/2 or just z^2 = x^2.

The graph of z^2 = x^2 consists of the two lines z = x and z = -x in the yz plane. **

** If z = 2 then z^2 = x^2 + y^2/2 becomes 2^2 = x^2 + y^2 / 2, or x^2 + y^2 / 2 = 4.

This is an ellipse. If we divide both sides by 4 we can get the standard form:

x^2 / 4 + y^2 / 8 = 1, or x^2 / 2^2 + y^2 / (2 `sqrt(2))^2 = 1.

This is an ellipse with major axis 2 `sqrt(2) in the y direction and 2 in the x direction. **