Your 'timer program' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
** Your General Comment **
I am unsure if this is the only part we are suppose to do right now.
On the assighnment page it sais to do the first experiment in Assignment 0 Experiments but when you click on the link it sais that most of assignment 0 will be with the four experiments. So do we do all 4 or just the first?
Go by what's on the Assignments page. All the other experiments will be assigned and could be done now, so if you've done them submit them; otherwise wait until they're assigned.
** Describe what you see on your first 10 clicks **
I see a box with 3 sets of numbers the first looks to be the number of the time i clicked on the timer. 1,2,3,4,etc. The second seems to be the time when i clicked on the button each time.
The third column seems to be the time elapsed between the last time I clicked on the button and the current time. In the first line the time and the time passed are the same which makes sence.
** Your TIMER data from 20 fast clicks **
1 328.2969 328.2969
2 328.4844 .1875
3 328.6406 .15625
4 328.8125 .171875
5 329 .1875
6 329.1875 .1875
7 329.3438 .15625
8 329.5313 .1875
9 329.7031 .171875
10 329.8906 .1875
11 330.0469 .15625
12 330.1875 .140625
13 330.375 .1875
14 330.5781 .203125
15 330.7656 .1875
16 330.9531 .1875
17 331.1406 .1875
18 331.3281 .1875
19 331.5313 .203125
20 331.7344 .203125
21 331.9219 .1875
** Your average time interval for 20 time intervals **
The average time I came up with was 0.18125
I got this by adding up the numbers in the third column the first 20 differences / 20.
That is not using the difference on line one because it is misrepresents the data.
** Your frequency distribution for the 20 time intervals (interval, number of times it was observed) **
** Your general comment to this point **
Since 0.1875 occured 11 times we could have guessed that the average would be close to this numger due to the number of times it occured.
** Why did you observe only certain time intervals? **
It probably has something to do with the units the timer program is using to count in. It probaly is not counting in .000001 of a second. It doesn't make the program useless though because we as humans can not be exact enough for this to make a differenc.
** What did you see when you looked at the differences between time successive time intervals? **
I can see that some of the numbers are negative while some are possitive.
It could suggest that the program is rounding based on how close the time is to the next interval of 0.015625 seconds.
Very good. Note that this number is also 1/64; since computers work in powers of 2 this isn't surprising.
All intervals between clock times are separated by 1/64 of a second; furthermore all clock times are multiples of 1/256 of a second.
** Your time intervals for 7 complete breaths: **
** Your general comment to this point: **
My numbers are higher because the timer has kept running while I worked through this experiment.
I didn't relax as much as you 27 seconds between breaths is pretty good.
Those aren't time intervals, they are clock times. The intervals are typically on the order of 5-10 seconds.
I have more lung capacity than most and stay in moderately good shape for my age. Metabolism also slows with age.
** Why did you rarely, if ever, observe that same time interval twice? **
Because breathing is no where as close to exact as just clicking a button as fast as you can.
Espically if you are trying to relax your breathing.
** Do you think this program is accurate to .1 or .01 ... **
I believe that it would be accurate to .01 seconds because when we were looking at the 4th colum the intervals from one time interval to the next seemed to be multiples of 0.015625. So the closest the timer could get to an accurate answer would be limited to this interval.
** Copy of a few lines of your spreadsheet from the TIMER program. **
timer experiment 0
event number,clock time,time interval
1 , 2366.672 , 2366.672
2 , 2371.469 , 4.796875
3 , 2377.781 , 6.3125
4 , 2383.297 , 5.515625
** **
about 45 minutes
** **
I don't have a spread sheet program on my home computer I will get one if needed the information I pasted in the box came from microsoft notepad. I can see how the information would be put in a spread sheet when it is transpered thouh. The name you gave it you saved will show up first,then titles of each column, and final all the data which is being seperated by comas in notepad would be given without the comas.
Really good work.
You don't really need a spreadsheet for this course, and you appear to be adept with your calculator; however there are freeward spreadsheets out there if you ever need one.