
You should be submitting the forms for the orientation as given at http://www.vhcc.edu/dsmith/genInfo/default.htm under the heading Orientation to the Distance Course. There is a list of 7 instructions; most instructions include the completion of a form. Let me know if you have trouble locating these instructions.

Professor Smith; Thanks to you again for your help with getting me enrolled into the class. I am a little nervous about the class, but I will give it my best shot. All of the instructions are a little over-whelming at first, but I will get it. Thanks. Tony" "Submit Work


If you are submitting a quiz, please use the Quiz Results Form


This form is for submitting text files to your instructor. If you are sending SEND files you should

Copy the file to a location outside your c:\vhmthphy folder. Open the copy. Copy the contents of the file to your clipboard without making any changes to that file (this can be done in any of several ways. For example if you use ctrl-A you will highlight all the work in the file, then ctrl-C will copy it to the clipboard). Paste everything into the box provided below (right-click in the box and choose Paste). Do not include your name or any other identifying information in the box. You will give that information in steps 1-4, but it will not appear on your access codes page. If you wish to include more than one file that is OK, and you may type in a heading between lines.

Do not delete or otherwise tamper with the SEND files in your c:\vhmthphy folder, which you might need for backup.

Do not include the 3-line access code syntax requested for earlier assignments. You will be entering that information on the form.

If the form will not accept your response, then you may attach the SEND file to a message and send it to the instructor, including access code information using the correct syntax, along with a description of what happened when you attempted to use the form.

Select the following option (you have only one choice):

Submitting Assignment

Your course (e.g., Mth 151, Mth 173, Phy 121, Phy 232, etc. ):

Please provide the following contact information:

Please provide your access code:

Password Confirm Password

If you do not have an access code you need to email the instructor from your VCCS email account and request one.

Your Name:

First Name Last Name

... Title you want to see on your posted work for this assignment. (do not use punctuation except for dashes - and underline symbols _ . Do not use symbols like @ $ & * ! or commas, periods, exclamations marks, slashes or backslashes, = signs, + sign, etc.)

Your VCCS email address:

Please insert any message you wish to share with the instructor:

Please copy and paste your work here:


Author information goes here. Copyright © 1999 [OrganizationName]. All rights reserved. Revised: 01/01/06