question form


Phy 121

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** Question Form_labelMessages **

Assignment Question

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For all the assignments that we are to be doing from week to week.

Are we supposed to do everything under the labels: Asst, qa, Introductory Problem Sets, lab/activity, text, streamline, Class Notes, other and query?

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I have worked on certain sections of the assignments not knowing what really needs to be submitted from them. I have been working on all the links in the blue. What I mean by that I have been clicking them copying and pasting the questions and working on them then submitting them for grade.

Is that the correct thing to be doing or is it only certain ones in each category you are looking for us to submit?

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I need to know what you are really looking for with the assignments. Please inform me if I have been working on the wrong things.


The information under "How to Complete Assignments", near the top of the full Assignments Table on your homepage (the full table, not the brief assignments table), has the following information indicating what is to be submitted:


(the number of the asst)


(qa document to worked through and submitted at the beginning of the asst)


(questions to be opened, worked and submitted)

Introductory Problem Sets

(worked problems with explanations, to be completely mastered as a rudimentary core of understanding)


(instructions for hands-on activities and labs, to be opened, conducted using lab materials, and submitted)


(assignment from the text, including assigned text sections and end-of-chapter problems)


(there might not be any information under this heading; outline is now provided for each module)

Class Notes

(click on the link and view the Class Notes (video links do not work online), or run from DVD for version with working video links; take notes)


(miscellaneous information to help organize your knowledge, as well as some problems to be submitted early in the course)


(document to be submitted at end of assignment, will ask about various things done in assignment, including selected assigned problems, labs, activities, class notes)



Nothing is listed as having to be submitted for the other headings, which include Introductory Problem Sets, Text Problems, Outline, and Class Notes but you need to do these things in order to be able to answer the questions posed by the Query program.
