question form


Mth 158

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** Question Form_labelMessages **

Question about Assignments

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In the assignments page here:

Under each assignment, it says to work text problems (3,6,9...whatever they are), but only says to submit the open query for each assignment. Are working the text problems simply for our learning benefit, or have I missed something?


You need to work the text problems to prepare for tests. It is expected that you will respond to the Query with the worked-out text problems in front of you.

If you know the material you can work the problems quickly. If you can't work the problems quickly you need the practice working them.

Of course there are limits to the amount of time each student has, and this ultimately limits how well each individual does in the course.

However the most important activity in the course is working problems.

If you have questions on a problem while working through the section, or after working through the Query, you're welcome to ask it either in the Query, or with a Submit Question Form.
