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** Question Form_labelMessages **
???Error analysis I and II????
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B4 Physics Intro Assignment
Error Analysis I
Error Analysis II Data Program
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Proffessor Smith,
Your comments in the Error Analysis assignment said that I entered the clock time and didn't enter the interval time. Conversely, I did enter the interval time. I even went back and did it over once again to make sure I was entering the right column. Below I will enter the information from my pendulum assignment again showing you that I entered the right column in each assignment. As you can see these are the same interval times.
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1 10588.42 10588.42
2 10589.29 .8671875
3 10590.07 .78125
4 10591.14 1.070313
5 10592.03 .890625
6 10592.98 .9492188
7 10594.02 1.039063
8 10594.89 .8710938
9 10595.9 1.011719
10 10596.9 1
11 10597.79 .8867188
12 10598.74 .953125
13 10599.71 .9765625
14 10600.55 .8320313
15 10601.38 .828125
16 10602.52 1.140625
17 10603.33 .8125
18 10604.31 .9804688
19 10605.23 .9179688
20 10606.12 .890625
21 10607.04 .9179688
22 10608.04 1
23 10609.03 .9921875
24 10609.87 .8398438
25 10610.81 .9414063
26 10611.83 1.019531
27 10612.85 1.019531
28 10613.74 .890625
29 10614.7 .9570313
30 10615.54 .8398438
and here is the data i used for the error analysis part II
So do you want me to complete the pendulum assignment again, because something is just not working out.
I see what happened. I didn't look carefully enough at your data.
The problem on the Error Analysis was that you included a 10 588 second interval (that's about 3 hours) among your time intervals. The time intervals clearly averaged around a second or a little less.
The same thing occurred on the pendulum experiment, where you included a long interval (maybe 300 seconds or so).
So it appears that the problem isn't that you're using clock times. Rather it's that you are including an interval that doesn't correspond to what is being measured, and this leads to erroneous results.
You don't need to redo the pendulum experiment, but you should correct the Error Analysis experiment to be sure you understand. This shouldn't be too difficult and with the data analysis program available, it shouldn't take too long.