phy 122
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??? multiple questions???
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phy 122
I have completed all orientation exercises and need to begin formal assignments.
Table of assignments
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Professor Smith,
I want to get started on my formal assignments but I'm not 100% sure where to start. There are so many items listed under the table of assignments. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. I tried loading my cd's and there is no volume on them (however, I think this may be my computer) I will try to play them in our xbox next. Where would you suggest that I get started? Is there any particular order in which I should do things?
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I also wanted to let you know that I called the bookstore again today to request that my lab kit be sent out and they're telling me that it is still unavailable. When should I call back again to request this?
Lab materials are nearly assembled and should be ready to ship by Thursday.
The full assignments page for your course has a section, very near the top of the page before assignments are actually listed, telling you how to complete assignments.
Review that information and let me know right away if you still have questions.
phy 122
Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
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???Another Assignment Question
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Physics 122
Brief Assignments Page 1
Under text
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When I click on the Brief Assignments tab, the table is displayed. As I scroll down the page where the assignments are listed for 0, 1, and 2. I see a link that says text. The problems are recommended. My question is if we are using the optional text instead of the actual text (textbook), are the numbers listed still the same for the electronic format of the book as they are for the actual textbook?
Very relevant question.
The assignments clearly indicate which text the problems go with. You are using the OpenStax text, so you would look under 'Optional Openstax'.