course phy122
2/2 6Performing these experiments help put things into perspective. Visuals are definitely helpful to me.
Starting with the cap in place on an empty bottle, siphon water from an adjacent full bottle. Allow the siphon to run a few minutes until the water levels in the two bottles stabilize.
Estimate the percent change in the volume of the air in the capped bottle.
Because I didn’t have 2 bottles of the same size, I poured the contents of a 2 liter bottle into a jug of a larger size. I then capped my 2 liter bottle that was empty prior to initiating the experiment. The volume of air appears to have decreased by 50 %.
Estimate the percent change in the number of molecules in the air within the capped bottle.
I would say that the number of molecules within the capped bottle also decrease by 50 %. I say this only because the small piece of tubing was left open during the experiment.
Estimate the percent change in the volume of the water in the open bottle.
The volume of the water in the open bottle decreased about 50 percent.
What do you think is the percent change in the air pressure in the capped bottle?
I think that the air pressure is unchanged with this experiment. Had I left the small tube sealed, I think that the air pressure would have increased with this experiment. The professor was unclear whether or not the tube needed to be sealed, so I did not seal the tube. Professor, if this was wrong, I would be glad to re-submit the assignment.
What is the difference in the two fluid levels?
I would say that the fluid levels are equal in each bottle.
What is the percent change in the number of air molecules in the capped bottle?
Because I left the small tube open, I think that the air molecules in the bottle decreased by 50 percent as well.
Raise the open bottle as high as possible without disturbing the capped bottle. Allow time for the water levels in the two bottles to stabilize.
What percent of the volume of the capped bottle do you now estimate is occupied by water?
I estimate that the capped bottle is now occupied by at least 85-90% of the water.
Estimate the percent change in the number of molecules in the air within the capped bottle.
The number of air molecules has decreased approximately 85-90 % in the capped bottle.
By what percent do you estimate the pressure in the capped bottle exceeds the original pressure (i.e., the pressure when the bottle was first capped)?
I think that the pressure in the capped filled bottle exceeds the original pressure by 85-90%, as there was no water in it to begin with.
if the bottle remained open to the atmosphere, by virtue of an uncapped tube, the air pressure would have remained equal to that of the atmosphere. If the air in the bottle is at higher or lower pressure than the air outside, air will be pushed out of or into the bottle.
What percent of the uncapped bottle do you estimate is now occupied by air?
I estimate that approximately 85-90 % of the bottle is occupied by air.
What is the difference in the two water levels?
The water level in the capped bottle is approximately 85-90 % full and the water level in the uncapped bottle is approximately 10-15 percent full. The air volume in the capped bottle is approximately 10-15 percent and the air volume in the uncapped bottle is approximately 85-90 %. Interesting!
Return the uncapped bottle to the tabletop. What happens?
What is now the difference in the two water levels?
The water from the capped bottle begins to transition back into the uncapped bottle. The water levels now appear to be even. They have equalized I suppose.
What do you think is the pressure in the uncapped bottle as a percent of its original pressure (before the bottle was capped)?
I think the pressure of the uncapped bottle has decreased by 50 percent. It initially contained 2 liters of water, and now only contains 1 liter.
You got good information here, but the capped bottle should have been sealed, as you suspected.
It wouldn't take long to repeat this, and it would be worth the time, as you will gain a lot of insight from the experience.
Do check my inserted notes.