Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
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I had not heard back about my frist quiz yet and just wanted to check about it again.
I was also wondering how I seemed to be doing in class. I am trying to finish up as soon as I can, but of course it seems to be taking me forever. If I was unable to complete the remainder of assignments and labs, but took the remainder of my tests and exams and earned a passing grade on them, would it be possible for me to pass the class?
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Let me know if you haven't received my email.
To pass the course you must have a passing average on the lab portion. A low pass for the lab is unlikely to lower a test average of C, more likely to lower a test average of B or A.
I've posted a note in your Blackboard gradebook, answering your question about your performance so far.