question form

Phy 121

Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

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I am completing my final lab today and hope to have it submitted by this evening. I also plan to take test 1 and test 2 as well as the final exam by Friday the 18th of June. If I get this work completed by then, how long do you think it will take before my final grade is put into the system? I need to request a transcript for job purposes and was wondering what kind of time frame I am looking at for that.


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If I get the tests by Monday afternoon (as I expect I would--your proctors appear to be very prompt), and if you notify me, I can submit the grade Tuesday. I can't speak for our registrar, but usually she can get transcripts out with a couple of days. Make sure you have a transcript request on file.

Also make sure you communicate with me on this using forms and email. I will be out of town that Wednesday and Thursday.