decrease per the decrease in pressure
the velocity of the water surface and the exiting water increase as the diameter of the hole increases and the diameter of the cylinder decreases.
no velocity change is possible without the action of a force
slower and slower
it would curve showing a depth decreasing slower as time becomes longer
a curve showing how as time grows larger horizontal distance diminishes faster and faster
1 64.65625 64.65625
2 66.21875 1.5625 3 67.125 .90625 4 68.35938 1.234375 5 70.28125 1.921875 6 72.07813 1.796875 7 74.3125 2.234375 8 76.6875 2.375 9 79.10938 2.421875 10 82.03125 2.921875 11 85.73438 3.703125 12 89.39063 3.65625 13 89.4375 .046875 14 95.51563 6.078125 15 105.0625 9.5468752.2 cm
4.2 cm 8.2 cm 10.2 cm 12.1 cm 14 cm 15.9 cm 17.8 cm 19.6 cm 21.5 cm 23.2 cm0, 23.2
1.5625, 21.5 2.46875, 19.6 3.70313, 17.8 5.625, 15.9 7.42188, 14 9.65625, 12.1 12.03125, 10.2 14.45313, 8.2 17.375, 6.2 21.07813, 4.2 24.73438, 2.2slower and slower
as clock time increases the water depth decreases more rapidly at first and slower as time goes on
velocity = distance/time (cm/sec)
1.088 0.769620253 0.486075293 0.337777778 0.255999828 0.196763754 0.157922078 0.138378331 0.115107914 0.094885078 0.080859112 0.088776797final time - initial time / 2 + initial time
0.78125 2.015625 3.08594 4.664065 6.52344 8.539065 10.84375 13.24219 15.914065 19.226565 22.906255 24.757815 27.820315 35.6328150 ,0 1.5625 ,1.088 2.46875 ,0.769620253 3.70313 ,0.486075293 5.625 ,0.337777778 7.42188 ,0.255999828 9.65625 ,0.196763754 12.03125 ,0.157922078 14.45313 ,0.138378331 17.375 ,0.115107914 21.07813 ,0.094885078 24.73438 ,0.080859112 24.78125 ,0.088776797
velocity rises to its peak at 1.088 quickly then declines as time progresses
I made a formula in Excel to divide change in velocity by change in time for each time interval.
0.69632 -0.351315583 -0.229706379 -0.077163136 -0.04551108 -0.026511309 -0.01635439 -0.00806966 -0.00796422 -0.005461012 -0.003836162 0.168928634 -0.0146059390.78125, 0.69632
2.015625, -0.351315583 3.08594, -0.229706379 4.664065, -0.077163136 6.52344, -0.04551108 8.539065, -0.026511309 10.84375, -0.01635439 13.24219, -0.00806966 15.914065, -0.00796422 19.226565, -0.005461012 22.906255, -0.003836162 24.757815, 0.168928634 27.820315, -0.014605939the data indicates that the acceleration of the water increases up from 0 to a maximum value of 0.69632 then decreases for the rest of the experiment.
I think the acceleration of the water is actually decreasing after its initial climb, because of the decreased flow rate caused by the lower pressure.