calibrated rubber bands


course phy 201

11-6-11 2sorry i didnt submit this info the first time

resubmition of 111025


course phy 201

10-27 10:00 pm I am submitting the new points you got for chasity and me in class yesterday. thank you.

Physics 201 in-class experiment:Report your data. For this experiment data consist of the x and y coordinates of the three rubber bands, and the lengths of your colored calibrating rubber bands when attached to the end of each of the three:








This is my new and complete set of points


Explain what your data mean:


each set of numbers are x and y coordinates

each set is a point on an x and y graph


This data report should be copied and submitted separately, as soon as possible.


@& Good. However you haven't included the lengths of the calibrating rubber bands.

If you can just insert those lengths into a copy of this document, that will be fine.*@

0 dominos=27 cm

2 dominos=28 cm

4 dominos=30.5 cm

6 dominos=35 cm

8 dominos=41 cm

10 dominos=50.5 cm"

@& Good, but you still need to report how long the calibrating rubber bands were when attached to each of the three chains.*@