question form

@& You have combined two expreiments in the same submission. No big problem but it's best to submit different activities separately--much easier for you to keep track of.


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On my portfolio page under my assignment titled, fitting a straight line to data, it states that I have combined two experiments together in the same submission. However, the first experiment is mine but the second one concerning dominoes is not. I'm not sure how it got linked to my submission, but I have not performed an experiment like the second one. I just wanted to let you know in case it was someone else experiment so that they can get credit for it.



@& Thanks. I'll look into this and try to figure out whose experiment that is. I did check the original data that came through the form, and the form did fail to report everything submitted by the other student.

I expect that the student will resubmit, and thanks to your message I'll know where to look for the critique.*@