question form


Mth 151

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Question about Testing

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I emailed you, but my internet has been sketchy the past week or so and don't know if you even got it. This would have been much easier if I lived in Virginia, but unfortunately I moved after graduation to California, and then was told I needed to take this class. So, I talked to the Vice-Principal and she not so nicely put that she would not have time to watch me test. I don't know what else to do, the only other possibility I can think of is asking the woman who I work for at the elementary school for the after-school program. I don't know if that would work because she is not direct administration. Please help! I know that I don't have much time until my test 1 is due, and cannot figure out an acceptable testing situation. I am so sorry to bother you with this, but would appreciate any help you can give. Thank you!

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You can't expect someone in a busy administrative position to take the time to actually watch you take a test. I don't know if you want to speak with your vice principal again about this, but she could delegate this to anyone she trusts to proctor the tests according to instructions, including your supervisor. This sort of task is often delegated to a trusted secretary, who can perform his or her usual job duties while you take the test nearby.

A professional librarian in an administrative position at a public library could also do the same.