assignment 15

course Mth 174

Please explain number 10.4.8

jډ׋pᖙٙassignment #015


Physics II




Query 10.4.8 (was 10.4.6 3d edition) (was p. 487 problem 6) magnitude of error in estimating .5^(1/3) with a third-degree Taylor polynomial about 0.

What error did you estimate?

The maximum possible error of the degree-3 Taylor polynomial is based on the fourth derivative and is equal to the maximum possible magnitude of the n = 4 term of the Taylor series.

The present function is x^(1/3). Its derivatives are

f ' (x) = 1/3 x^(-2/3),

f '' (x) = -2/9 x^(-5/3),

f ''' (x) = 10/27 x^(-8/3),

f '''' (x) = -80/81 x^(-11/3).

All these derivatives are undefined at x = 0.

Since all the derivatives are easily evaluated at x = 1, we expand about x = 1.

The maximum possible magnitude of the fourth derivative f''''(x) = -80/81 x^(-11/3) between x = .5 and x = 1 occurs at x = .5, where we obtain | f '''' (x) | = 80/81 * (.5^-(11/3) ) = 12.54 approx. We will still have a valid limit on the error if we use the slight overestimate M = 13.

So the maximum possible error is | 13 / 4! * (.5 - 1)^4 |, or about .034.






What function did you compute the Taylor polynomial of?






What expression did you use in finding the error limit, and how did you use it?






Query 10.4.20 (was 10.4.16 3d edition) (was p. 487 problem 12) Taylor series of sin(x) converges to sin(x) for all x (note change from cos(x) in previous edition)






explain how you proved the result.



Since we know that the lim. as n ->inf. of x^n/x! = 0, we can find that the series x-x^3/3!+x^5/5!+...(-1)^(n/2)(x^n/n!) for odd values of n is equal to sin(x) as En(x) approaches 0.

The answers you give in subsequent questions are pretty much equivalent to the solution given here:

** For even values of n the nth derivative is sin(x); when expanding about 0 this will result in terms of the form 0 * x^n / n!, or just 0.

If n is odd, the nth derivative is +- cos(x). Expanding about 0 this derivative has magnitude 1 for all n. So the nth term, for n odd, is just 1 / n! * x^n.

None of the Taylor coefficients exceeds the maximum magnitude M = 1.

For any x, lim(n -> infinity} (x^n / n!) = 0:

lim { n -> infinity} ( [ x^(n+1) / (n+1)! ] / [ x^n / n! ] ) = lim (n -> infinity) ( x / n ) = 0

the limit is zero since x is fixed and n increases without bound.

Putting this together formally in terms of the definition of the error term.

En(x) = M / (n+1)! * x^(n+1)

Since M = 1, En(x) becomes = 1 / (n+1)! * x^(n+1)

As n -> infinity this approaches zero.

If the error term approaches zero as n -> infinity, the series converges for all x.

It's not obvious that x^(n + 1)/ (n + 1)! approaches zero for any x. If x gets large, x^(n+1) gets very, very large.

However a ratio test will show that x^(n+1) / (n+1)! does approach zero for any value of x, giving us the stated result. The series does converge for all values of x.**




What is the error term for the degree n Taylor polynomial?



For degree n, the error term is Abs.(sin(x)-Pn(x) inf., the error approaches 0.




Can you prove that the error term approaches 0 as n -> infinity?



The error term is less than or equal to Abs.(x)^(n+1)/((n+1)!) which approaches 0 as n approaches infinity. Therefore, as n->inf, En(x)->0.




What do you know about M in the expression for the error term?



Since f(x)=sin(x), any derivative is +,- sin(x) or +,- cos(x), no matter which derivative it is. So, for every n, f^(n+1)(x) is less than or equal to 1 between the interval 0 to x, thus giving an M value of 1.




How do you know that the error term must be < | x | ^ n / ( n+1)! ?



The error is = Abs.(sin(x) - Pn(x)) which is always less than l x l^(n+1)/((n+1)!).




How you know that the limit of | x | ^ n / ( n+1)! is 0?



Because as n gets bigger and bigger, i.e. approaches inf, the denominator grows much faster than the numerator does, causing the fraction to be equal to 0.




Query problem 10.3.10 (3d edition 10.3.12) (was 9.3.12) series for `sqrt(1+sin(`theta))






what are the first four nonzero terms of the series?




This being a composite function, we will have to form the composite of one Taylor series with another.

We substitute the Taylor expansion of sin(x) into the Taylor expansion of 1 / sqrt(x) and ignore terms with powers exceeding 4:

Expanding y = sqrt(x) about x = 1 we get derivatives

y ' = 1/2 x^(-1/2)

y '' = -1/4 x^(-3/2)

y ''' = 3/8 x^(-5/2)

y '''' = -5/16 x^(-7/2).

Substituting 1 we get values 1, 1/2, -1/4, 3/8, -5/16.

The degree-4 Taylor polynomial is therefore

sqrt(x) = 1 + 1/2 (x-1) - 1/4 (x-1)^2 / 2 + 3/8 (x-1)^3/3! - 5/16 (x-1)^4 / 4!.

It follows that the polynomial for sqrt(1 + x) is

sqrt( 1 + x ) = 1 + 1/2 ( 1 + x - 1) - 1/4 (1 + x-1)^2 / 2 + 3/8 (1 + x-1)^3/3! - 5/16 (1 + x-1)^4 / 4!

= 1 + 1/2 (x) - 1/4 (x)^2 / 2 + 3/8 (x)^3/3! - 5/16 (x)^4 / 4!.

Now the first four nonzeo terms of the expansion of sin(theta) give us the polynomial

sin(theta) = theta-theta^3/3!+theta^5/5!-theta^7/7!.

We note that since sin(theta) contains theta as a term, the first four powers of sin(theta) will contain theta, theta^2, theta^3 and theta^4, so our expansion will ultimately contain these powers of theta.

We will expand the expressions for sin^2(theta), sin^3(theta) and sin^4(theta), but since we are looking for only the first four nonzero terms of the expansion we will not include powers of theta which exceed 4:

sin^2(theta) = (theta-theta^3/3!+theta^5/5!-theta^7/7!)^2 = theta^2 - 2 theta^4 / 3! + powers of theta exceeding 4

sin^3(theta) = (theta-theta^3/3!+theta^5/5!-theta^7/7!)^3 = theta^3 + powers of theta exceeding 4

sin^4(theta) = (theta-theta^3/3!+theta^5/5!-theta^7/7!)^4 = theta^4 + powers of theta exceeding 4

Substituting sin(theta) for x in the expansion of sqrt(1 + x) we obtain

sqrt(1 + sin(theta)) = 1 + 1/2 (sin(theta)) - 1/4 (sin(theta))^2 / 2 + 3/8 (sin(theta))^3/3! - 5/16 (sin(theta))^4 / 4!

= 1 + 1/2 (theta-theta^3/3! + powers of theta exceeding 4) - 1/4 (theta^2 - 2 theta^4 / 3! + powers of theta exceeding 4)/2 + 3/8 ( theta^3 + powers of theta exceeding 4) / 3! - 5/16 (theta^4 + powers of theta exceeding 4)/4!

= 1 + 1/2 theta - 1/4 theta^2/2 - 1/2 theta^3 / 3! + 3/8 theta^3 / 3! + 2 / ( 4 * 3! * 2) theta ^4 - 5/16 theta^4 / 4!

= 1 + 1/2 theta - 1/8 theta^2 + 1/16 theta^3 - 5/128 theta^4.




Explain how you obtained these terms.



The series for 1+sin(x) = 1+x-(x^3)/3!+(x^5)/5!+...and the series for 1/sqrt(1+x) = 1-(1/2)x+(((-1/2)(-3/2))/2!)x^2+...So I merely added the desired elements of both series.




What is the Taylor series for `sqrt(z)?







What is the Taylor series for 1+sin(`theta)?







How are the two series combined to obtain the desired series?



Take the odd numbers and alternating signs from the 1+sin(theta) series and multiply them by the increasing fractions from the sqrt(z) series to obtain the desired series.




Query Add comments on any surprises or insights you experienced




&#Good responses. See my notes and let me know if you have questions. &#