course Mth 174 j奉CDُSٰ¸assignment #016
17:54:24 Query problem 10.5.12 (3d edition 10.5.12) (was 9.5.12) period 1 fn defined by f(x) = x if 0 < x < 1
20:21:25 what is the fourth degree Fourier polynomial?
RESPONSE --> 0+(1/pi)-(1/(2pi))+(1/(3pi))-(1/(4pi)) = 7/(12pi)
20:27:31 Describe the graph of this polynomial on [0,1).
RESPONSE --> The graph starts at about .32 for the first point. It then drops for the second point to about .16. Rises to about .27 and then drops back down to about .19. It is basically a sine wave with decreasing amplitude.
20:58:30 What substitution did you use to compensate for the fact that the period of the function is not 2 `pi?
RESPONSE --> Instead of simply using sin(2pi), I substituted ((2pikx)/b) to compensate for the different period.
21:32:32 Query problem 10.5.24 (3d edition 10.5.24) (was 9.5.24) integral of cos^2(mx) from -`pi to `pi is `pi
21:33:13 which formula from the table did you used to establish your result and what substitution did you use?
RESPONSE --> I used formula number 18 with n=2 and some positive integer for m.
21:33:19 Query Add comments on any surprises or insights you experienced as a result of this assignment.