timer program

Your work on timer program has been received and looks very good.

Please let me know if you have any questions related to this orientation assignment.

Each time the Click to Time Event button is pushed it records an extremely accurate cummulative and incremented time.

1 393.0742 393.0742 2 393.2539 .1796875 3 393.5742 .3203125 4 393.7344 .1601563 5 393.9141 .1796875 6 394.0859 .171875 7 394.2773 .1914063 8 394.4453 .1679688 9 394.6367 .1914063 10 394.7969 .1601563 11 394.9766 .1796875 12 395.1484 .171875 13 395.3359 .1875 14 395.5078 .171875 15 395.6992 .1914063 16 395.8594 .1601563 17 396.0273 .1679688 18 396.2266 .1992188 19 396.4102 .1835938 20 396.5898 .1796875 21 396.75 .1601563 22 396.9375 .1875 23 397.1094 .171875 24 397.2891 .1796875 25 397.4688 .1796875 26 397.8125 .34375 27 397.9922 .1796875

My average is 0.17498. I got this by adding the first 20 intervals together and dividing by 20. What is the easier way?

If you subtract the 2d item in the middle column from the 22d, then divide by 20, you should get the same thing.

Do you see why?

.1601563 , 3 .1679688 , 2 .171875, 3 .1796875 , 4 .1835938 , 1 .1875 , 1 .1914063 , 3 .1992188 , 1 .3203125 , 1

No it might have been .18749 or .18752 but when rounded it came to be .1875. The timer, if I remember correctly, allows for some but not much flaw.

The TIMER program is close to being accurate but it is not dead on. There is a difference between many of the intervals that is not consistent.

5.851563 9.761719 8.941406 13.39063 10.0625 10.39844 9.542969 9.273438 12.29688

Wow you must have a much better lung capacity. I find that when I repeated this experiment but talked while I did it the results were much lengthier.

It is very hard to determine the exact moment of inhale. Timing something like breathing is difficult because the data is manipulated when the subject starts to think about breathing. Breathing really is hard to do when you're thinking aboutit.

I would say either b or c because although it is accurate the reaction time of the impulse to hit the Click to Time Event button allows for some inaccuracy.



.777344 5


.578125 6

