Question about Queries

course Phy 202

Dear Prof Smith,Is there anyway that I could just answer the query questions about the experiments? I submitted the query last week without the answers to the lab questions. I could submit OK for my answer until I reached the lab questions. You already posted a response to my query work on my Portfolio page. I can do the work again, I do not mind. It will just be easier for me to answer the lab questions only.

The Assignments page and the Query have changed. The Query no longer asks questions about the labs, and the labs to date are submitted by forms. I think you've submitted the TIMER and flow experiments; the rate of change of temperature experiment might have been submitted today.

I sent a message thru the Blackboard email list for your course; your name appears on that list along with your VCCS email address. Let me know if you didn't get that message.

In any case you don't need to redo anything you've already done on the Query, but make sure you use the updated Query from now on (download it if you don't have it).