I received your other two notes. The deadline is no problem; I'm just glad that your feeling well enough to do the work.
As the bottle is squeezed the pressure indicating tube has a little water movement. The vertical tube still distributes the water from the container into the cylinder. The harder the squeeze the more water that exits the container.
I chose the single reduced ruler. It is my clearest copy and it is going to be easy to read for this experiment.
I measured from the capped end to where the meniscus. I made sure that the meniscus was parallel to the cross sectional area.
25 cm
19.5, 20.4
19.5, 20.4
19.6, 20.5
19.6, 20.6
19.7, 20.7
35 cm20.7
20.7, 21.0
20.7, 21.0
20.8, 21.1
20.8, 21.2
20.9, 21.3
40 cm (shew that about killed me!)
20.9, 21.7
21.0, 21.8
21.0, 21.9
21.1, 22.0
21.1, 22.1
This looks good, but it looks like you didn't release the pressure between trials--the minimum position for each new height appears to be about equal to the maximum position for the previous trial. This might cause confusion in part 2, which is the analysis of these results; when following the instructions in part 2, be sure understand that the instructions assume that the first number is the atmospheric-pressure reading.
If you have questions let me know.