
course Mth 152

?????????????assignment #014

014. `query 14

Liberal Arts Mathematics II




query problem 13.1.6 freq dist 35 IQ scores class width 5



There are fifty students total so each group would

be ?/50

91,92,93,94,95 = 1/50

96,97,98,99,100 = 3/50

101,102,103,104,105 = 5/50

106,107,108,109,110 = 7/50

111,112,113,114,115 = 12/50

116,117,118,119,120 = 9/50

121,122,123,124,125 = 7/50

126,127,128,129,130 = 3/50

131,132,133,134,125 = 2/50




** These numbers might or might not be completely accurate, but the calculation of the relative frequencies as percents follows from the tallies:

91-95 1 1/50 = 2%

96-100 3 3/50 = 6%

101-105 5 5/50 = 10%

106-110 7 7/50 = 14%

111-115 12 12/50 = 24%

116-120 9 9/50 = 18%

121-125 8 8/50 = 16%

126-130 3 3/50 = 6%

131-135 2 2/50 = 4% **




on the 121 -125 group I only counted 7 ???




query problem 13.1.10 stem and leaf for yards gained by 44 rushers



0 = 3,7

1 = 12, 16, 18, 19,

2 = 22, 24,25,28,29,29

3 = 30, 32, 33,33,36,26,37,39

4 = 40,41,42,43,43,45,46,49

5 = 51,54,55,58

6 = 60,62,67

7 = 73,73,79

8 = 86, 88

9 = 94

10 = 102

11 = 112

12 = 123




** In order we get the following:

0 3 7

1 2 6 8 9

2 2 4 5 8 9 9

3 0 2 3 3 6 6 7 9

4 0 1 2 3 3 5 6 9

5 1 4 5 8 6 0 2 7

7 3 3 9

8 6 8

9 4

10 2

11 2

12 3 **



on number 5, where did all of the numbers come from?




query problem 13.1.35 empirical probability distribution for letters of alphabet



A = .08

E = .13

I = .065

O = .08

U = .03

Total =.385

.08/.385 = .208

.13/.385 = .337

.065/.385 = .168

.08/ .385 = .207

.03 /.385 = .077




** The probabilities for A, E, I, O, U are:

.08. .13, .065, .08, .03.

The sum of these probabilities is .385

The probabilities of the letters given a vowel:

.08 / .385 = .208

.13 / .385 = .338

.065 / .385 = .169

.08 / .385 = .208

.03 / .385 = .078

These probabilities total 1. **



o.k. I didn't round the numbers off


&#Good responses. See my notes and let me know if you have questions. &#