Open QA 3


course Phy 231

003. Velocity Relationships*********************************************

Question: `q001. Note that there are 11 questions in this assignment.

vAve = `ds / `dt, which is the definition of average velocity and which fits well with our

intuition about this concept.

If displacement `ds is measured in meters and the time interval `dt is measured in seconds, in

what units will vAve be obtained?


Your solution:

meters per second (m/s)

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

vAve = `ds / `dt.

The units of `ds are m and the units of `dt are sec, so the units of `ds / `dt must be m / sec.

Thus vAve is in m/s.


Self-critique (if necessary):



Self-critique rating:ok


Question: `q002. If the definition equation vAve = `ds / `dt is to be solved for `ds we

multiply both sides of the equation by `dt to obtain `ds = vAve * `dt. If vAve is measured in

cm / sec and `dt in sec, then in what units must `ds be measured?


Your solution:


confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

Since vAve is in cm/sec and `dt in sec, `ds = vAve * `dt must be in units of cm / sec * sec =



I don’t get how sec and sec would cancel each other out


cm / s * s means

(cm/s) * s, which is the same as

(cm / s) * (s / 1). Multiplying numerators and denominators we have

(cm * s) / (s * 1) or just

(cm * s) / s, which is the same as

cm * (s / s) = cm * 1 = cm.


Self-critique (if necessary):



Self-critique rating:ok


Question: `q003. Explain the algebra of multiplying the unit cm / sec by the unit sec.


Your solution:

If we multiply cm/sec by sec, the seconds cancel.

If we look at it as cm/sec * sec/1, then there is one seconds unit on top and one seconds unit on the bottom. In algebra, a fraction with the numerator equal to the denominator is equal to 1.

The result is cm, because cm*1=cm.

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

When we multiply cm/sec by sec we are multiplying the fractions cm / sec and sec / 1. When we

multiply fractions we will multiply numerators and denominators. We obtain cm * sec / ( sec *

1). This can be rearranged as (sec / sec) * (cm / 1), which is the same as 1 * cm / 1. Since

multiplication or division by 1 doesn't change a quantity, this is just equal to cm.


For some reason this question just isn't making sense to me.


In a self-critique you need to address the given solution in detail. A general statement such

as yours gives me no information on what you understand. I need this information as a basis

for helping you with what you don't understand.

In order to give me the information I need you should be addressing each statement, and each

phrase, to show me what you do and do not understand.

The given solution can be broken into individual statements:

1. When we multiply cm/sec by sec we are multiplying the fractions cm / sec and sec / 1.

2. When we multiply fractions we will multiply numerators and denominators.

3. We obtain cm * sec / ( sec * 1).

4. This can be rearranged as (sec / sec) * (cm / 1), which is the same as 1 * cm / 1. Since

multiplication or division by 1 doesn't change a quantity, this is just equal to cm.

Do you understand Statement 1?

If not, have you written out the expressions cm/sec and sec/1 in standard form? (You might want

to review the link given at the end of the Typewriter Notation exercise from Orientation, which

should be posted at your access page).

As best you can communicate it, what do you and do you not understand about this statement?

Do you understand Statement 2? If not, what do you and do you not understand about this


Do you understand Statement 3? If not, have you written out the multiplication of cm/sec and

sec/1 on paper? The multiplication is (cm / sec) * (sec / 1). Again, if you aren't sure how to

write this out, refer to the link at the end of the Typewriter Notation exercise.

Do you understand Statemet 4? If not do you understand that (sec / sec) * (cm / 1) is equal to

sec * cm / (sec * 1), which is in turn equal to (cm * sec) / (sec * 1)? If not, specifically

what do you and do you not understand?

If you don't understand anything, then you should start with a review of basic fractions, a

topic which is very much neglected in the typical curriculum in U.S. schools. Then you should

return to these questions and give your best answers.

A good link, current as of Sept. 2010:

You should submit a copy of question `q003, your solution, the given solution and this note.

Insert your answers and/or additional specific questions and mark with &&&& before and after

each insertion, then submit using the Submit Work Form.


Self-critique (if necessary):ok


Self-critique rating:ok


Question: `q004. If the definition vAve = `ds / `dt is to be solved for `dt we multiply both

sides of the equation by `dt to obtain vAve * `dt = `ds, then divide both sides by vAve to get

`dt = `ds / vAve. If vAve is measured in km / sec and `ds in km, then in what units must `dt

be measured?


Your solution:


confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

Since `dt = `ds / vAve and `ds is in km and vAve in km/sec, `ds / vAve will be in km / (km /

sec) = seconds.




You should show the reasoning; we know in advance that `dt will be in seconds, but be sure you

understand how to get there from the given units.


Self-critique (if necessary):ok


Self-critique rating:ok


Question: `q005. Explain the algebra of dividing the unit km / sec into the unit km.


Your solution:

We can solve this equation algebraically by dividing both sides by km. Since km is on top on the right side of the equation, dividing by km will cancel to 1 on the right side. Algebraically, we have to treat the left side the same as the right side, so we leave the left as (km/sec)/km. The final equation is (km/sec)/km=sec.

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

The division is km / (km / sec). Since division by a fraction is multiplication by the

reciprocal of the fraction, we have km * (sec / km). This is equivalent to multiplication of

fractions (km / 1) * (sec / km). Multiplying numerators and denominators we get (km * sec) /

(1 * km), which can be rearranged to give us (km / km) * (sec / 1), or 1 * sec / 1, or just



Self-critique (if necessary):ok


Self-critique rating:ok


Question: `q006. If an object moves from position s = 4 meters to position s = 10 meters

between clock times t = 2 seconds and t = 5 seconds, then at what average rate is the position

of the object changing (i.e., what is the average velocity of the object) during this time

interval? What is the change `ds in position, what is the change `dt in clock time, and how do

we combine these quantities to obtain the average velocity?


Your solution:

change in distance=6m

change in time=3s


confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

We see that the changes in position and clock time our `ds = 10 meters - 4 meters = 6 meters

and `dt = 5 seconds - 2 seconds = 3 seconds. We see also that the average velocity is vAve =

`ds / `dt = 6 meters / (3 seconds) = 2 meters / second. Comment on any discrepancy between

this reasoning and your reasoning.


Self-critique (if necessary):ok


Self-critique rating:ok


Question: `q007. Symbolize this process: If an object moves from position s = s1 to position

s = s2 between clock times t = t1 and t = t2, when what expression represents the change `ds in

position and what expression represents the change `dt in the clock time?

What expression therefore symbolizes the average velocity between the two clock times.


Your solution:

`ds=change in position=s2-s1

`dt=change in time=t2-t1

`ds/`dt is the change in velocity.

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

The change in position is `ds = s2 - s1, obtained as usual by subtracting the first position

from the second. Similarly the change in clock time is `dt = t2 - t1.

The symbolic expression for the average velocity is therefore

vAve = `ds / `dt = (s2 - s1) / (t2 - t1).


Self-critique (if necessary):ok


Self-critique rating:ok


Question: `q008. On a graph of position s vs. clock time t we see that the first position s =

4 meters occurs at clock time t = 2 seconds, which corresponds to the point (2 sec, 4 meters)

on the graph, while the second position s = 10 meters occurs at clock time t = 5 seconds and

therefore corresponds to the point (5 sec, 10 meters). If a right triangle is drawn between

these points on the graph, with the sides of the triangle parallel to the s and t axes, the

rise of the triangle is the quantity represented by its vertical side and the run is the

quantity represented by its horizontal side. This slope of the triangle is defined as the

ratio rise / run. What is the rise of the triangle (i.e., the length of the vertical side) and

what quantity does the rise represent? What is the run of the triangle and what does it



Your solution:

rise=+6 and it represents distance in meters.

run=+3 and it represents time in seconds.

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

The rise of the triangle represents the change in the position coordinate, which from the first

point to the second is 10 m - 4 m = 6 m. The run of the triangle represents the change in the

clock time coordinate, which is 5 s - 2 s = 3 s.


Self-critique (if necessary):ok


Self-critique rating:ok


Question: `q009. What is the slope of this triangle and what does it represent?


Your solution:

6/3=2 The slope represents the velocity.

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

The slope of this graph is 6 meters / 3 seconds = 2 meters / second.


Self-critique (if necessary):ok


Self-critique rating:ok


Question: `q010. In what sense does the slope of any graph of position vs. clock time

represent the velocity of the object? For example, why does a greater slope imply greater



Your solution:

The slope is a rate between rise and run. As the rise and run increase, so does the velocity and so does the slope. Since the rise is distance and the run is time, the slope of the graph is directly related to the velocity.

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

Since the rise between two points on a graph of velocity vs. clock time represents the change

`ds in position, and since the run represents the change `dt clock time, the slope represents

rise / run, or change in position / change in clock time, which is `ds / `dt. This is equal to

the average rate of change of position with respect to clock time, which is the definition of

average velocity.


Self-critique (if necessary):ok


Self-critique rating:ok


Question: `q011. As a car rolls from rest down a hill, its velocity increases. Describe a

graph of the position of the car vs. clock time.

If you have not already done so, tell whether the graph is increasing at an increasing rate,

increasing at a decreasing rate, decreasing at an increasing rate, decreasing at a decreasing

rate, increasing at a constant rate or decreasing at a constant rate.

Is the slope of your graph increasing or decreasing?

How does the behavior of the slope of your graph indicate the condition of the problem, namely

that the velocity is increasing?


Your solution:

The graph would begin at (0,0), showing that the car is at rest and that it is in itsinitial position. Velocity can't be negative, but it can show direction. This graph could go two different ways. The distance, since the car is rolling downhill, could be less than zero to show the car is descending. Also, the graph could just show the magnitude of the velocity and show the traditional positive slope, denoting an increasing velocity.

I'll choose to show the magnitude of the velocity, so if we take the absolute value of distance traveled by the car, the slope of the graph will increase as both time and position increase. The graph is increasing at an increasing rate, showing acceleration.

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

The graph should have been increasing, since the position of the car increases with time (the

car gets further and further from its starting point). The slope of the graph should have been

increasing, since it is the slope of the graph that indicates velocity. An increasing graph

within increasing slope is said to be increasing at an increasing rate (an alternative

description would be that the graph is increasing and concave up).


Self-critique (if necessary):ok


Self-critique rating:ok


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