Your 'ball down ramp' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
** Your general comment **
Sorry about the email address confusion my email at ODU is **** so they are very close.
I figured it was something like that.
If you slip up again, no problem. I wouldn't want to make the correction on every assignment, but it doesn't take long to do it once or twice.
** Will a steeper ramp give greater or lesser time? **
The quickest time for rolling down the ramp will come from the steepest slope as the acceleration will be the greatest.
** As slopes increases will time intervals increase, decrease or show no pattern? **
The time intervals would be decreasing with each increase of slope. This is an inverse relationship.
** Your report of 5 trials each way for 1 domino **
Trial #1=1.292s
Reverse #1=1.256s
The times measure how long the ball takes to travel down a slope with a length of 27cm. The 5 time trials are to get an average and be more accurate. Reversing the system basically tests the level of the table and since mine is almost perfectly level the times didn't vary much at all. The velocity of the ball is 21.756 cm/s for the first part and for the reverse the velocity is 21.41 cm/s.
** Your report of 5 trials each way for 2 dominoes **
I was thinking what the velocity of the ball was and if the velocity was increasing or staying the same.
Test#1 Placing two dominoes right side.
Trial #1-#5: This levels the slope and there is no roll.
Test #2 (I assume there are now 4 dominoes on the left end.)
Trial #1=856ms
Trial #2=864ms
Trial #3=857ms
Trial #4=862ms
Trial #5=863ms
The first trial to my understanding levels out the slope to equal 0. Therefore since my table is level there is no roll. The second test to my understanding places 4 dominoes under the left side thus decreasing the time interval by 30.7% while doubling the slope. Also the acceleration increases by 30.7%.
** Your report of 5 trials each way for 3 dominoes **
Trial #1= 976ms
#2= 1.03s
#3= 992ms
#4= 942ms
#5= 934ms AVG= 974.8ms
Reverse #1= 1.042s
#2= 1.134s
#3= 1.038s
#4= 1.012s
#5= 1.043s AVG= 1.053s
Velocity test #1= 27.698 cm/s
Velocity Reverse= 25.64 cm/s
** Do your results support or fail to support your hypothesis about increasing or decreasing times? **
The results support my hypotheses because the time intervals decreased as the slope increased. The relationship of the slope and time interval is inverse while the relationship between the slope and the velocity are equal.
** How do you think ave velocity is related to slope? **
The relationship between the average velocity and the slope of the ramp are proportional. That is to say that if the slope is increased the velocity will increase linearly with it.
** Speculate on why ave velocity changes with slope. **
The acceleration will increase with an increasing slope due to gravity. The ramp and its slope offer a resistance to the rolling of the ball. If the ramp is level it is obviously not going to roll as all the energy is potential.
** How could you test your speculations? **
If you graphed the information, the x-axis being velocity and the y-axis being slope you would see that as the slope increases the velocity also increases. If the velocity increases the time intervals will obviously decrease as it will roll the 27cm at a faster rate of acceleration or velocity.
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45 min
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The format of this lab was kind of confusing as to the placement of the dominoes. The information I give on this assignment is true to the increase or decrease of the slopes that I performed. These changes may have not been exactly what was called for but the calculations are correct.
Good report, good data and good insights.