#$&* course Mth 158 critique per instructions at
Given Solution: `aThe point (3,5) has x coordinate 3 and y coordinate 5. The point (7, 17) has x coordinate 7 and y coordinate 17. To move from (3,5) to (7, 17) we must therefore move 4 units in the x direction and 12 units in the y direction. Thus between (3,5) and (7,17) the rise is 12 and the run is 4, so the rise/run ratio is 12/4 = 3. Between (7,10) and (10,29) the rise is also 12 but the run is only 3--same rise for less run, therefore more slope. The rise/run ratio here is 12/3 = 4. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Self-critique (if necessary): ------------------------------------------------ Self-critique Rating: ********************************************* Question: `q002. The expression (x-2) * (2x+5) is zero when x = 2 and when x = -2.5. Without using a calculator verify this, and explain why these two values of x, and only these two values of x, can make the expression zero. YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Your solution: 2-2 = 0 and zero times anything equals zero. confidence rating #$&*: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Given Solution: `aIf x = 2 then x-2 = 2 - 2 = 0, which makes the product (x -2) * (2x + 5) zero. If x = -2.5 then 2x + 5 = 2 (-2.5) + 5 = -5 + 5 = 0.which makes the product (x -2) * (2x + 5) zero. The only way to product (x-2)(2x+5) can be zero is if either (x -2) or (2x + 5) is zero. Note that (x-2)(2x+5) can be expanded using the Distributive Law to get x(2x+5) - 2(2x+5). Then again using the distributive law we get 2x^2 + 5x - 4x - 10 which simplifies to 2x^2 + x - 10. However this doesn't help us find the x values which make the expression zero. We are better off to look at the factored form. STUDENT QUESTION I think I have the basic understanding of how x=2 and x=-2.5 makes this equation 0 I was looking at the distributive law and I understand the basic distributive property as stated in algebra a (b + c) = ab + ac and a (b-c) = ab – ac but I don’t understand the way it is used here (x-2)(2x+5) x(2x+5) - 2(2x+5) 2x^2 + 5x - 4x - 10 2x^2 + x - 10. Would you mind explaining the steps to me? INSTRUCTOR RESPONSE The distributive law of multiplication over addition states that a (b + c) = ab + ac and also that (a + b) * c = a c + b c. So the distributive law has two forms. In terms of the second form it should be clear that, for example (x - 2) * c = x * c - 2 * c. Now if c = 2 x + 5 this reads (x-2)(2x+5) = x * ( 2 x + 5) - 2 * (2 x + 5). The rest should be obvious. We could also have used the first form. a ( b + c) = ab + ac so, letting a stand for (x - 2), we have (x-2)(2x+5) = ( x - 2 ) * 2x + (x - 2) * 5. This will ultimately give the same result as the previous. Either way we end up with 2 x^2 + x - 10. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Self-critique (if necessary): ------------------------------------------------ Self-critique Rating: ********************************************* Question: `q003. For what x values will the expression (3x - 6) * (x + 4) * (x^2 - 4) be zero? YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Your solution: 3x-6=0 or x+4=0 or x^2-4=0 3x-6 = 0 is rearranged to 3x=6 then to x=6/3=2. So when x=2, 3x-6=0 and the entire product (3x-6) * (x+4) * (x^2-4) must be zero. When x=2, or -4, or -2 confidence rating #$&*:3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Given Solution: `aIn order for the expression to be zero we must have 3x-6 = 0 or x+4=0 or x^2-4=0. 3x-6 = 0 is rearranged to 3x = 6 then to x = 6 / 3 = 2. So when x=2, 3x-6 = 0 and the entire product (3x - 6) * (x + 4) * (x^2 - 4) must be zero. x+4 = 0 gives us x = -4. So when x=-4, x+4 = 0 and the entire product (3x - 6) * (x + 4) * (x^2 - 4) must be zero. x^2-4 = 0 is rearranged to x^2 = 4 which has solutions x = + - `sqrt(4) or + - 2. So when x=2 or when x = -2, x^2 - 4 = 0 and the entire product (3x - 6) * (x + 4) * (x^2 - 4) must be zero. We therefore see that (3x - 6) * (x + 4) * (x^2 - 4) = 0 when x = 2, or -4, or -2. These are the only values of x which can yield zero.** &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Self-critique (if necessary): ------------------------------------------------ Self-critique Rating: ********************************************* Question: `q004. One straight line segment connects the points (3,5) and (7,9) while another connects the points (10,2) and (50,4). From each of the four points a line segment is drawn directly down to the x axis, forming two trapezoids. Which trapezoid has the greater area? Try to justify your answer with something more precise than, for example, 'from a sketch I can see that this one is much bigger so it must have the greater area'. YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Your solution: First trapezoid averages a little more than double the altitude of the second, the second is clearly much more than twice as wide and hence has the greater area. First runs from x=3 to x=7, is 4 units wide while the second runs from x=10 to x=5 is 40 unites wide. confidence rating #$&*:3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Given Solution: `aYour sketch should show that while the first trapezoid averages a little more than double the altitude of the second, the second is clearly much more than twice as wide and hence has the greater area. To justify this a little more precisely, the first trapezoid, which runs from x = 3 to x = 7, is 4 units wide while the second runs from x = 10 and to x = 50 and hence has a width of 40 units. The altitudes of the first trapezoid are 5 and 9,so the average altitude of the first is 7. The average altitude of the second is the average of the altitudes 2 and 4, or 3. So the first trapezoid is over twice as high, on the average, as the first. However the second is 10 times as wide, so the second trapezoid must have the greater area. This is all the reasoning we need to answer the question. We could of course multiply average altitude by width for each trapezoid, obtaining area 7 * 4 = 28 for the first and 3 * 40 = 120 for the second. However if all we need to know is which trapezoid has a greater area, we need not bother with this step. ********************************************* Question: `q005. Sketch graphs of y = x^2, y = 1/x and y = `sqrt(x) [note: `sqrt(x) means 'the square root of x'] for x > 0. We say that a graph increases if it gets higher as we move toward the right, and if a graph is increasing it has a positive slope. Explain which of the following descriptions is correct for each graph: As we move from left to right the graph increases as its slope increases. As we move from left to right the graph decreases as its slope increases. As we move from left to right the graph increases as its slope decreases. As we move from left to right the graph decreases as its slope decreases. YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Your solution: The function y = x^2 takes values 1, 4, 9, and 16, increasing more and more for each unite to increase in x. This graph therefore increases but at an increasing rate. confidence rating #$&*:1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Given Solution: `aFor x = 1, 2, 3, 4: The function y = x^2 takes values 1, 4, 9 and 16, increasing more and more for each unit increase in x. This graph therefore increases, as you say, but at an increasing rate. The function y = 1/x takes values 1, 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4, with decimal equivalents 1, .5, .33..., and .25. These values are decreasing, but less and less each time. The decreasing values ensure that the slopes are negative. However, the more gradual the decrease the closer the slope is to zero. The slopes are therefore negative numbers which approach zero. Negative numbers which approach zero are increasing. So the slopes are increasing, and we say that the graph decreases as the slope increases. We could also say that the graph decreases but by less and less each time. So the graph is decreasing at a decreasing rate. For y = `sqrt(x) we get approximate values 1, 1.414, 1.732 and 2. This graph increases but at a decreasing rate. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Self-critique (if necessary): ------------------------------------------------ Self-critique Rating: ********************************************* Question: `q006. If the population of the frogs in your frog pond increased by 10% each month, starting with an initial population of 20 frogs, then how many frogs would you have at the end of each of the first three months (you can count fractional frogs, even if it doesn't appear to you to make sense)? Can you think of a strategy that would allow you to calculate the number of frogs after 300 months (according to this model, which probably wouldn't be valid for that long) without having to do at least 300 calculations? YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Your solution: At the end of the first month, the number of frogs would be 20 * .1) + 20 = 22 frogs. At the end of the second month there would be (22 * .1) +22 + 24.2 frogs while at the end of the third month there would be (24.2 *.1) + 24.2 = 26.62 frogs. After 300 months, we will have mulitiplied by 1.1 a total of 300 times. This would give 20*1.1^300, whatever that equals. confidence rating #$&*:2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Given Solution: `aAt the end of the first month, the number of frogs in the pond would be (20 * .1) + 20 = 22 frogs. At the end of the second month there would be (22 * .1) + 22 = 24.2 frogs while at the end of the third month there would be (24.2 * .1) + 24.2 = 26.62 frogs. The key to extending the strategy is to notice that multiplying a number by .1 and adding it to the number is really the same as simply multiplying the number by 1.1. We therefore get 20 * 1.1 = 22 frogs after the first month 22 * 1.1 = 24.2 after the second month etc., multiplying by for 1.1 each month. So after 300 months we will have multiplied by 1.1 a total of 300 times. This would give us 20 * 1.1^300, whatever that equals (a calculator, which is appropriate in this situation, will easily do the arithmetic). A common error is to say that 300 months at 10% per month gives 3,000 percent, so there would be 30 * 20 = 600 frogs after 30 months. That doesn't work because the 10% increase is applied to a greater number of frogs each time. 3000% would just be applied to the initial number, so it doesn't give a big enough answer. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Self-critique (if necessary): ------------------------------------------------ Self-critique Rating: ********************************************* Question: `q007. Calculate 1/x for x = 1, .1, .01 and .001. Describe the pattern you obtain. Why do we say that the values of x are approaching zero? What numbers might we use for x to continue approaching zero? What happens to the values of 1/x as we continue to approach zero? What do you think the graph of y = 1/x vs. x looks for x values between 0 and 1? YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Your solution: If x=.1 : 1/x=1 / .1 = 10 If x + .01, 1/x = 100 confidence rating #$&*: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Given Solution: `aIf x = .1, for example, 1 / x = 1 / .1 = 10 (note that .1 goes into 1 ten times, since we can count to 1 by .1, getting.1, .2, .3, .4, ... .9, 10. This makes it clear that it takes ten .1's to make 1. So if x = .01, 1/x = 100 Ithink again of counting to 1, this time by .01). If x = .001 then 1/x = 1000, etc.. Note also that we cannot find a number which is equal to 1 / 0. Deceive why this is true, try counting to 1 by 0's. You can count as long as you want and you'll ever get anywhere. The values of 1/x don't just increase, they increase without bound. If we think of x approaching 0 through the values .1, .01, .001, .0001, ..., there is no limit to how big the reciprocals 10, 100, 1000, 10000 etc. can become. The graph becomes steeper and steeper as it approaches the y axis, continuing to do so without bound but never touching the y axis. This is what it means to say that the y axis is a vertical asymptote for the graph . &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Self-critique (if necessary): ------------------------------------------------ Self-critique Rating: ********************************************* Question: `q008. At clock time t the velocity of a certain automobile is v = 3 t + 9. At velocity v its energy of motion is E = 800 v^2. What is the energy of the automobile at clock time t = 5? YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Your solution: For t-5, v=3 t+ 9 = (3*5) + 9 = 24. E = 800 * 24^2 = 460, 800 confidence rating #$&*:3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Given Solution: `aFor t=5, v = 3 t + 9 = (3*5) + 9 = 24. Therefore E = 800 * 24^2 = 460800. • ********************************************* Question: `q009. Continuing the preceding problem, can you give an expression for E in terms of t? YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Your solution: V=3 t=9 the expression would be E = 800 v^2 – 800 (3t + 9) ^2. confidence rating #$&*:3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Given Solution: Since v = 3 t + 9 the expression would be E = 800 v^2 = 800 ( 3t + 9) ^2. This is the only answer really required here. For further reference, though, note that this expression could also be expanded by applying the Distributive Law:. Since (3t + 9 ) ^ 2 = (3 t + 9 ) * ( 3 t + 9 ) = 3t ( 3t + 9 ) + 9 * (3 t + 9) = 9 t^2 + 27 t + 27 t + 81 = 9 t^2 + 54 t + 81, we get E = 800 ( 9 t^2 + 54 t + 81) = 7200 t^2 + 43320 t + 64800 (check my multiplication because I did that in my head, which isn't always reliable). &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Self-critique (if necessary): ------------------------------------------------ Self-critique Rating: " "critique per instructions at http://vhcc2.vhcc.edu/dsmith/geninfo/labrynth_created_fall_05/levl1_22/levl2_81/file3_259.htm . Your solution, attempt at solution. If you are unable to attempt a solution, give a phrase-by-phrase interpretation of the problem along with a statement of what you do or do not understand about it. This response should be given, based on the work you did in completing the assignment, before you look at the given solution. 001. Rates Note that there are 10 questions in this assignment. The questions are of increasing difficulty--the first questions are fairly easy but later questions are very tricky. The main purposes of these exercises are to refine your thinking about rates, and to see how you process challenging information. Most students in most courses would not be expected to answer all these questions correctly; all that's required is that you do your best and follows the recommended procedures for answering and self-critiquing your work. ********************************************* Question: If you make $50 in 5 hr, then at what rate are you earning money? YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Your solution: If I make $50 in 5 hours, then I am making a rate of $10 an hour. 50 / 10 = 5 confidence rating #$&*: 3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Given Solution: The rate at which you are earning money is the number of dollars per hour you are earning. You are earning money at the rate of 50 dollars / (5 hours) = 10 dollars / hour. It is very likely that you immediately came up with the $10 / hour because almosteveryone is familiar with the concept of the pay rate, the number of dollars per hour. Note carefully that the pay rate is found by dividing the quantity earned by the time required to earn it. Time rates in general are found by dividing an accumulated quantity by the time required to accumulate it. You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Self-critique (if necessary): ------------------------------------------------ Self-critique Rating: ********************************************* Question: `q003.If you make $60,000 per year then how much do you make per month? YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Your solution: $60,000 / 12 = $5000 per month. I would be making $5000 a month. confidence rating #$&*: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Given Solution: Most people will very quickly see that we need to divide $60,000 by 12 months, giving us 60,000 dollars / (12 months) = 5000 dollars / month. Note that again we have found a time rate, dividing the accumulated quantity by the time required to accumulate it. You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Self-critique (if necessary): ------------------------------------------------ Self-critique Rating: ********************************************* Question: `q004. Suppose that the $60,000 is made in a year by a small business. Would be more appropriate to say that the business makes $5000 per month, or that the business makes an average of $5000 per month? YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Your solution: I would say an average of $5,000 because you cant be exact on money. confidence rating #$&*: 2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Given Solution: Small businesses do not usually make the same amount of money every month. The amount made depends on the demand for the services or commodities provided by the business, and there are often seasonal fluctuations in addition to other market fluctuations. It is almost certain that a small business making $60,000 per year will make more than $5000 in some months and less than $5000 in others. Therefore it is much more appropriate to say that the business makes and average of $5000 per month. You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Self-critique (if necessary): ------------------------------------------------ Self-critique Rating: ********************************************* Question: `q005. If you travel 300 miles in 6 hours, at what average rate are you covering distance, and why do we say average rate instead of just plain rate? YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Your solution: 300/6 = 50 miles. It would be an average rate instead of plain rate because you aren’t going to cover exactly 50 miles every hour. confidence rating #$&*: 3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Given Solution: The average rate is 50 miles per hour, or 50 miles / hour. This is obtained by dividing the accumulated quantity, the 300 miles, by the time required to accumulate it, obtaining ave rate = 300 miles / ( 6 hours) = 50 miles / hour. Note that the rate at which distance is covered is called speed. The car has an average speed of 50 miles/hour. We say 'average rate' in this case because it is almost certain that slight changes in pressure on the accelerator, traffic conditions and other factors ensure that the speed will sometimes be greater than 50 miles/hour and sometimes less than 50 miles/hour; the 50 miles/hour we obtain from the given information is clearly and overall average of the velocities. You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Self-critique (if necessary): ------------------------------------------------ Self-critique Rating: ********************************************* Question: `q006. If you use 60 gallons of gasoline on a 1200 mile trip, then at what average rate are you using gasoline, with respect to miles traveled? YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Your solution: 1200/60 = 20 gallons. For every 60 miles, you are using 20 gallons of gas which is .5 gallons per mile. confidence rating #$&*: 3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Given Solution: The rate of change of one quantity with respect to another is the change in the first quantity, divided by the change in the second. As in previous examples, we found the rate at which money was made with respect to time by dividing the amount of money made by the time required to make it. By analogy, the rate at which we use fuel with respect to miles traveled is the change in the amount of fuel divided by the number of miles traveled. In this case we use 60 gallons of fuel in 1200 miles, so the average rate it 60 gal / (1200 miles) = .05 gallons / mile. Note that this question didn't ask for miles per gallon. Miles per gallon is an appropriate and common calculation, but it measures the rate at which miles are covered with respect to the amount of fuel used. Be sure you see the difference. Note that in this problem we again have here an example of a rate, but unlike previous instances this rate is not calculated with respect to time. This rate is calculated with respect to the amount of fuel used. We divide the accumulated quantity, in this case miles, by the amount of fuel required to cover t miles. Note that again we call the result of this problem an average rate because there are always at least subtle differences in driving conditions that result in more or fewer miles covered with a certain amount of fuel. It's very important to understand the phrase 'with respect to'. Whether the calculation makes sense or not, it is defined by the order of the terms. In this case gallons / mile tells you how many gallons you are burning, on the average, per mile. This concept is not as familiar as miles / gallon, but except for familiarity it's technically no more difficult. You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes. STUDENT COMMENT Very Tricky! I thought I had a rhythm going. I understand where I messed up. I am comfortable with the calculations. INSTRUCTOR RESPONSE There's nothing wrong with your rhythm. As I'm sure you understand, there is no intent here to trick, though I know most people will (and do) tend to give the answer you did. My intent is to make clear the important point that the definition of the terms is unambiguous and must be read carefully, in the right order. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Self-critique (if necessary): ------------------------------------------------ Self-critique Rating: ********************************************* Question: `q007. The word 'average' generally connotes something like adding two quantities and dividing by 2, or adding several quantities and dividing by the number of quantities we added. Why is it that we are calculating average rates but we aren't adding anything? YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Your solution: We divide in order to calculate the average rate for things such as money in the amount of months and or miles traveled at a certain amount of time and so forth. confidence rating #$&*: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Given Solution: The word 'average' in the context of the dollars / month, miles / gallon types of questions we have been answering was used because we expect that in different months different amounts were earned, or that over different parts of the trip the gas mileage might have varied, but that if we knew all the individual quantities (e.g., the dollars earned each month, the number of gallons used with each mile) and averaged them in the usual manner, we would get the .05 gallons / mile, or the $5000 / month. In a sense we have already added up all the dollars earned in each month, or the miles traveled on each gallon, and we have obtained the total $60,000 or 1200 miles. Thus when we divide by the number of months or the number of gallons, we are in fact calculating an average rate. You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Self-critique (if necessary): ------------------------------------------------ Self-critique Rating: ********************************************* Question: `q008. In a study of how lifting strength is influenced by various ways of training, a study group was divided into 2 subgroups of equally matched individuals. The first group did 10 pushups per day for a year and the second group did 50 pushups per day for year. At the end of the year to lifting strength of the first group averaged 147 pounds, while that of the second group averaged 162 pounds. At what average rate did lifting strength increase per daily pushup? YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Your solution: I have no clue how to do this problem. confidence rating #$&*: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Given Solution: The second group had 15 pounds more lifting strength as a result of doing 40 more daily pushups than the first. The desired rate is therefore 15 pounds / 40 pushups = .375 pounds / pushup. You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes. STUDENT COMMENT: I have a question with respect as to how the question is interpreted. I used the interpretation given in the solution to question 008 to rephrase the question in 009, but I do not see how this is the correct interpretation of the question as stated. INSTRUCTOR RESPONSE: This exercise is designed to both see what you understand about rates, and to challenge your understanding a bit with concepts that aren't always familiar to students, despite their having completed the necessary prerequisite courses. The meaning of the rate of change of one quantity with respect to another is of central importance in the application of mathematics. This might well be your first encounter with this particular phrasing, so it might well be unfamiliar to you, but it is important, unambiguous and universal. You've taken the first step, which is to correctly apply the wordking of the preceding example to the present question. You'll have ample opportunity in your course to get used to this terminology, and plenty of reinforcement. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Self-critique (if necessary): The second group had 15 pounds more lifting strength as a result of doing 40 more daily pushups than the first. The desired rate is therefore 15 pounds / 40 pushups = .375 pounds / pushup. ------------------------------------------------ Self-critique Rating:2 ********************************************* Question: `q009. In another part of the study, participants all did 30 pushups per day, but one group did pushups with a 10-pound weight on their shoulders while the other used a 30-pound weight. At the end of the study, the first group had an average lifting strength of 171 pounds, while the second had an average lifting strength of 188 pounds. At what average rate did lifting strength increase with respect to the added shoulder weight? YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Your solution: Still a tad bit confused. confidence rating #$&*: 0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Given Solution: The difference in lifting strength was 17 pounds, as a result of a 20 pound difference in added weight. The average rate at which strength increases with respect added weight would therefore be 17 lifting pounds / (20 added pounds) = .85 lifting pounds / added pound. The strength advantage was .85 lifting pounds per pound of added weight, on the average. You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Self-critique (if necessary): The difference in lifting strength was 17 pounds, as a result of a 20 pound difference in added weight. The average rate at which strength increases with respect added weight would therefore be 17 lifting pounds / (20 added pounds) = .85 lifting pounds / added pound. The strength advantage was .85 lifting pounds per pound of added weight, on the average. ------------------------------------------------ Self-critique Rating:3 ********************************************* Question: `q010. During a race, a runner passes the 100-meter mark 12 seconds after the start and the 200-meter mark 22 seconds after the start. At what average rate was the runner covering distance between those two positions? YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Your solution: 100 meters every 10 seconds on average. Runners strides are different lengths. confidence rating #$&*: 2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Given Solution: The runner traveled 100 meters between the two positions, and required 10 seconds to do so. The average rate at which the runner was covering distance was therefore 100 meters / (10 seconds) = 10 meters / second. Again this is an average rate; at different positions in his stride the runner would clearly be traveling at slightly different speeds. You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes. STUDENT QUESTION Is there a formula for this is it d= r*t or distance equal rate times time?????????????????? INSTRUCTOR RESPONSE That formula would apply in this specific situation. The goal is to learn to use the general concept of rate of change. The situation of this problem, and the formula you quote, are just one instance of a general concept that applies far beyond the context of distance and time. It's fine if the formula helps you understand the general concept of rate. Just be sure you work to understand the broader concept. Note also that we try to avoid using d for the name of a variable. The letter d will come to have a specific meaning in the context of rates, and to use d as the name of a variable invite confusion. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Self-critique (if necessary): ------------------------------------------------ Self-critique Rating: ********************************************* Question: `q011. During a race, a runner passes the 100-meter mark moving at 10 meters / second, and the 200-meter mark moving at 9 meters / second. What is your best estimate of how long it takes the runner to cover the intervening 100 meter distance? YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Your solution: It would probably take about 10 seconds. confidence rating #$&*: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Given Solution: 3 At 10 meters/sec, the runner would require 10 seconds to travel 100 meters. However the runner seems to be slowing, and will therefore require more than 10 seconds to travel the 100 meters. We don't know what the runner's average speed is, we only know that it goes from 10 m/s to 9 m/s. The simplest estimate we could make would be that the average speed is the average of 10 m/s and 9 m/s, or (10 m/s + 9 m/s ) / 2 = 9.5 m/s. Taking this approximation as the average rate, the time required to travel 100 meters will be (100 meters) / (9.5 m/s) = 10.5 sec, approx.. Note that simply averaging the 10 m/s and the 9 m/s might not be the best way to approximate the average rate--for example we if we knew enough about the situation we might expect that this runner would maintain the 10 m/s for most of the remaining 100 meters, and simply tire during the last few seconds. However we were not given this information, and we don't add extraneous assumptions without good cause. So the approximation we used here is pretty close to the best we can do with the given information. You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Self-critique (if necessary): ------------------------------------------------ Self-critique Rating: ********************************************* Question: `q012. We just averaged two quantities, adding them and dividing by 2, to find an average rate. We didn't do that before. Why we do it now? YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Your solution: No idea. confidence rating #$&*: 0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Given Solution: In previous examples the quantities weren't rates. We were given the amount of change of some accumulating quantity, and the change in time or in some other quantity on which the first was dependent (e.g., dollars and months, miles and gallons). Here we are given 2 rates, 10 m/s and 9 m/s, in a situation where we need an average rate in order to answer a question. Within this context, averaging the 2 rates was an appropriate tactic. You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes. STUDENT QUESTION: I thought the change of an accumulating quantity was the rate? INSTRUCTOR RESPONSE: Quick response: The rate is not just the change in the accumulating quantity; if we're talking about a 'time rate' it's the change in the accumulating quantity divided by the time interval (or in calculus the limiting value of this ratio as the time interval approaches zero). More detailed response: If quantity A changes with respect to quantity B, then the average rate of change of A with respect to B (i.e., change in A / change in B) is 'the rate'. If the B quantity is clock time, then 'the rate' tells you 'how fast' the A quantity accumulates. However the rate is not just the change in the quantity A (i.e., the change in the accumulating quantity), but change in A / change in B. For students having had at least a semester of calculus at some level: Of course the above generalizes into the definition of the derivative. y ' (x) is the instantaneous rate at which the y quantity changes with respect to x. y ' (x) is the rate at which y accumulates with respect to x. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Self-critique (if necessary): In previous examples the quantities weren't rates. We were given the amount of change of some accumulating quantity, and the change in time or in some other quantity on which the first was dependent (e.g., dollars and months, miles and gallons). Here we are given 2 rates, 10 m/s and 9 m/s, in a situation where we need an average rate in order to answer a question. Within this context, averaging the 2 rates was an appropriate tactic. ------------------------------------------------ Self-critique Rating:3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Given Solution: In previous examples the quantities weren't rates. We were given the amount of change of some accumulating quantity, and the change in time or in some other quantity on which the first was dependent (e.g., dollars and months, miles and gallons). Here we are given 2 rates, 10 m/s and 9 m/s, in a situation where we need an average rate in order to answer a question. Within this context, averaging the 2 rates was an appropriate tactic. You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes. STUDENT QUESTION: I thought the change of an accumulating quantity was the rate? INSTRUCTOR RESPONSE: Quick response: The rate is not just the change in the accumulating quantity; if we're talking about a 'time rate' it's the change in the accumulating quantity divided by the time interval (or in calculus the limiting value of this ratio as the time interval approaches zero). More detailed response: If quantity A changes with respect to quantity B, then the average rate of change of A with respect to B (i.e., change in A / change in B) is 'the rate'. If the B quantity is clock time, then 'the rate' tells you 'how fast' the A quantity accumulates. However the rate is not just the change in the quantity A (i.e., the change in the accumulating quantity), but change in A / change in B. For students having had at least a semester of calculus at some level: Of course the above generalizes into the definition of the derivative. y ' (x) is the instantaneous rate at which the y quantity changes with respect to x. y ' (x) is the rate at which y accumulates with respect to x. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Self-critique (if necessary): In previous examples the quantities weren't rates. We were given the amount of change of some accumulating quantity, and the change in time or in some other quantity on which the first was dependent (e.g., dollars and months, miles and gallons). Here we are given 2 rates, 10 m/s and 9 m/s, in a situation where we need an average rate in order to answer a question. Within this context, averaging the 2 rates was an appropriate tactic. ------------------------------------------------ Self-critique Rating:3 #(*!