course Phy 232
Dr. Smith,
I just took Test 1 through a proctor at Paul D. Camp Community College. I filled out the proctor sheet on her. She is faxing the test to you right now.
I know I did not do very well on Test 1. Unfortunately, I am having to take Test 1 and 2 this week, due to me leaving the country this Friday. (I promise I am not making this up, I am taking my unit operations lab in Denmark),
I submitted a form for the practice test 2. Can you please look at that and send me feedback for Test 2? I plan to take Test 2 early Friday morning (around 9 am).
I will complete Test 3 and 4 when I come back. This will be around August 4.
Please respond to this email. I am very worried about not doing well in this class. I am transfering the credit to Virginia Tech, so I need to get a C in the class in order to do that. When I am overseas, I plan to work on the assignments and labs.
Your work is generally good. If you're having any problem, it's just with the pace of your schedule.
I've posted your practice test with comments. I hope it's helpful.