Assignment 11

course Mth 151

?P????~????????assignment #011?w?????}??yO?????Liberal Arts Mathematics I

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Query 1.4.24 1 to any power is what?







** The meaning is 1^2, 1^3, 1^4. We take a power of the base.

The result is always 1. **







Query 1.4.30 sqr of neg gives what?



My four-function calculator says there is an error and my graphing calculator gives me something like this: 0,1.7320808 and 0,2.2360679775. My first guess is to say that the square of a negative gives a really big number or that it is impossible to do.




** The square root of a negative will often give you an error (what can you square to get a negative, since any number squared is positive?), but on certain calculators it gives a complex number (actually two complex numbers). These are not real numbers; for the purposes of this course there is no real square root of a negative number.

There is no real number that can be squared to give a negative. If you square a negative number you get a negative times a negative, which is positive. If you square a positive number you get a positive number. So a negative number has no real square root. **







Query 1.4.42 drawer has 18 compartments; how many drawers to hold 204 tapes?



If you divide 204 by 18 it gives you 11.33333, so the guy will need 12 drawers.




** 204 / 18 = 11 with remainder 6. If we had 11 drawers they would hold all but 6 of the tapes.

The leftover tapes also have to go into a drawer, so we need a 12th drawer. **





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