question form


Phy 121

Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

** Question Form_labelMessages **

New System for Class

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My question involves using the new website system to access the course. I have been using the old system for all orientation and start up information, but since I have completed that, I wanted to use the new system to start actual assignments. I do not know how to access assignments and due dates on the new system.

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I do understand how to get to the new website through this link:

Once I am at that page however, the left sidebar only lists the following: Preliminary Note

Part 1: Establishing communication.

Explanatory Note on Establishing Communication

1. Find your Login Information

2. Request your Access Code

3. Verify to the instructor that you have completed these steps

4. Introduce Yourself

Part 2: General Information

Explanatory Note on General Information

The nature of the course

Preliminary Information 121

Textbook Information



how to ask questions

Institutional Policies, Instructor Information, Etiquette

Note on Grading Policy

Note regarding two-semester sequence in single term

Part 3: Startup and Orientation

Explanatory Table for Startup and Orientation

A1. Preliminary Q-A-Self_Critique

A2. Introductory question_answer

A3. Homepage, due dates, course of study_121

A4. Understanding learning_objectives

A5. Using your DVDs

A6. More about communication

A7. How to succeed in your course

B1. typewriter notation

B2. describing graphs

B3. physics

B4. physics intro assignment

Introduction to Key Systems


Using the Timer Program

First 'Seed' Question

Responses to Questions about Key Systems

I do not understand how to reach the assignments and due dates through the links given.

** **

???How do I reach all assignments and due dates through the new website???


You've already completed the Orientaiton, so you should be able to get up to speed on the revised homepage very quickly.

The new homepage is at

and you might well be able to navigate it without further instruction.

However it won't take long to get a better introduction, so I recommend that you take just a little time to do the following:

Click on the link

A3. Homepage, due dates, course of study_121

for a runthrough of the homepage, due dates page and course of study.

It shouldn't take you more than 15 or 20 minutes to get up to speed.

You should also take a few minutes to go through the documents at the link

A4. Understanding learning_objectives


A5. Using your DVDs

Neither of those should take you very long, and both give you better information than you got in the previous Orientation.
