question form


Phy 232

Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

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I am a little concerned about receiving my lab materials. I received the following email, but it doesn't give very clear instructions:

Lab packages will be taken to the bookstore sometime this afternoon (Monday afternoon). I can't guarantee when the packages will actually be ready for sale, but I expect that if they aren't ready for sale and shipping Monday afternoon they will be at some point Tuesday morning. If you are making a trip, I do recommend that you call ahead.

Pricing information has been sent to the bookstore manager. At this point it appears that the costs will be as follows, but this could change up or down a little (though not drastically) when the manager double-checks the figures:

$38.80 for the Physics I package (for Physics 121, 201, 231).

$76.80 for the Physics II package (for Physics 122, 202, 232).

Unless you are working ahead of schedule you won't need these items until at least late next week (Week 3), so there is no need to rush your purchase. I recommend that you make sure you are on track in your course before incurring this expense. The items in the Initial Materials package will suffice for Week 2 and most of Week 3 assignments.

If you haven't submitted the Lab Kit Request Form and the Initial Materials Form you should do so. Your Lab Kit Request Form might not yet be posted at your Access Page, but if you got a form confirmation it has been received.

I have videos to post, related to the Initial Lab Materials. However there have been some technical problems related to our Media Server. I expect to get the information I need later in the day and post those links shortly after obtaining it.

I am receiving some excellent work from a number of students. Some students are still getting their bearings; if you're among them understand that having submitted a few assignments and attended to the feedback posted at your access page, you should quickly catch on.

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I understand that I needed to fill out the lab materials form, and I did that on May 22nd. I have gotten a response from the instructor, so I know that it has been received. Is this all that I needed to do???? How do I pay for the lab materials???? I have not received them yet, so when should I expect them to arrive???? Do I need to call the bookstore and order them over the phone???? I just don't know what to do from here.

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@& The form you filled out instructs you to purchase the materials from the bookstore. You need to contact them.

If you contact them Monday morning they should be able to ship the packages on Monday afternoon. You will get a little behind on the labs, but shouldn't have much trouble catching up.

Have you received the initial materials package, which were been sent out June 2 (the day you submitted that form) or June 3? Let me know, using both form and email, if you haven't.*@