question form


Phy 232

Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

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I have several questions, actually.

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2) I have been trying to rent the generator-capacitor and a multimeter, but the bookstore told me that they weren't renting them out because they had not received an email from the instructor listing a rental price. I DESPERATELY need to rent the equipment rather than purchasing it. I was told that I would be called when a price was determined. As I have not received a call, I assume that the rental price has not been set. Should I continue to wait, or should I purchase the equipment so that I may catch up on the labs???? (On a side note, I found this really odd since I am still a little behind. I wasn't expecting to run into any problems at all)

@& Thanks for alerting me. This price has been set for a long time, but I expect that when you called the manager was on vacation. I'll speak with them tomorrow; it won't be a problem to resolve this.*@

3) I mentioned these questions in my previous email, but they were not addressed:

First, I noticed that the open query for Assignment 12 was a repeat of the open query for Assignment 11, so I simply skipped it. Also, Assignment 16 only asked questions for general physics, so I didn't think I needed to do it. If I don't turn in anything for these assignments, does that mean that I am not getting credit for them, even though it doesn't appear that I need to do anything for them???? I have run into this several other times. Is there any way for me to know what I am and what I'm not getting credit for???? Finally, if I am not asked to revise an assignment or lab, or if I do send in a corrected assignment or lab, am I given full credit for them???? By this, I mean are points ever taken off, or is a completed assignment simply considered a completed assignment????

@& You are correct on all counts.

If you continue submitting your work as you have been doing, you are pretty much assured of getting full credit for this part of your grade.*@

@& You should have an email answering your first question. Most of the delay was due to our registrar being away last week at a meeting.*@