Mth 158
Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
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I am having difficulty locating the course in Blackboard as assigned to me in the Orientation step 4. The task assigned reads as follows:
Task: `q009. On the http://vhmthphy.vhcc.edu page, click on Blackboard, and sign in using the same username and password you use to access the registration system. When the Blackboard screen comes up you should find a 'course' entitled 'Supervised Study Current Semester'. Click on this 'course' and give a brief description of what you see. You need not read all the information that appears, just take a quick look and give a line or two of description. (It is possible that you will be doing the Orientation prior to the beginning of the term, and if so this Blackboard 'course' might not yet be available. You might also be doing this before your Blackboard enrollment is run. If either is the case, be sure to make a note to yourself to do check this page out on the first actual day of classes. You won't need it before then.).
Note that enrollment in Blackboard and enrollment in your course at VHCC are two separate things. Blackboard is 'unofficial' and always needs to be regarded as such.
Please respond with a statement detailing your understanding of the Blackboard Supervised Study 'course', and the unofficial nature of Blackboard.
**** Your response (insert your response beginning in the next line; the next line is blank and doesn't include the #$... prompt):
#$&* (your response should have gone on the line above this one)
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My trouble stems from following the directions as given. When I sign into Bb after clicking on the link at http://vhmthphy.vhcc.edu , I am taken to the Bb main page : http://learn.vccs.edu/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp From here I see three 'course modules.' The course you requested I click on is not on this page. When I click on the College Algebra module it takes me to this page: http://learn.vccs.edu/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp?tab_tab_group_id=_2_1&url=/webapps/blackboard/execute/launcher%3Ftype%3DCourse%26id%3D_330744_1%26url%3D . Again I do not see and link entitled 'Supervised Study Current Semester'. I tried to locate this last night as well as this morning and afternoon. Nothing has changed on either page.
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Am I just missing a step in the instructions or is 'Supervised Study Current Semester' a link not available to me?
@& The Supervised Study Spring 2011 pages will be available soon. The staff has created the site but Blackboard is misbehaving and not all student show on that roster. It will be up and running before we need it.*@