Query 14


course Phy 231


If your solution to stated problem does not match the given solution, you should self-critique per instructions at




Your solution, attempt at solution. If you are unable to attempt

a solution, give a phrase-by-phrase interpretation of the problem

along with a statement of what you do or do not understand about

it. This response should be given, based on the work you did in

completing the assignment, before you look at the given solution.

014. `query 14


Question: `qset 3 intro prob sets

If you calculate the acceleration on a mass m which starts from

rest under the influence of a constant net force Fnet and

multiply by a time interval `dt what do you get?

How far does the object travel during this time and what velocity

does it attain?

What do you get when you multiply the net force by the

displacement of the mass?

What kinetic energy does the object attain?


Your solution:

you get a * dt = rate of change of velocity

v0 = 0

vf = (Fnet / m) * dt

v_Ave = (v0 + (Fnet/m)*t)/2

ds = v_Ave * dt

Fnet * ds = Fnet * (v0 + (Fnet/m)*t)/2 * dt

KE = 0.5 * m * vf^2

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

`a The acceleration of the mass is a = F_net / m, so the velocity

of the object changes by amount

`dv = a * `dt = F_net / m * `dt.

Since the initial velocity is zero, this will also be the final


vf = F_net / m * `dt.

From this and the fact that acceleration is constant (const. net

force on const. mass implies const. acceleration), we conclude


vAve = (v0 + vf) / 2 = (0 + (F_net / m) * `dt) / 2 = F_net * `dt

/ (2 m).

Multiplying this by the time interval `dt we have

`ds = vAve `dt = (F_net * `dt) / (2 m) * `dt = F_net `dt^2 / (2


If we multiply this by F_net we obtain

F_net * `ds = F_net * F_net * `dt^2 / (2 m) = F_net^2 * `dt^2 /

(2 m).

From our earlier result vf = F_net / m * `dt we see that

KE_f = 1/2 m vf^2 = 1/2 m ( F_net / m * `dt)^2 = F_net^2 * `dt^2

/ (2 m).

Our final KE, when starting from rest, is therefore equal to the

product F_net * `ds.

Since we started from rest, the final KE of the mass on this

interval is equal to the change in KE on the interval.

We call F_net * `ds the work done by the net force. Our result

therefore confirms the work-kinetic energy theorem:

`dW_net = `dKE.


Self-critique (if necessary):

This was a little har for me. I have went through it a few times

and I understand it now.


Self-critique rating: 3


Question: `q Define the relationship between the work done by a

system against nonconservative forces, the work done against

conservative forces and the change in the KE of the system. How

does PE come into this relationship?


Your solution:

In a system of nonconservative forces some energy will be lost

therefore work is not conserved. The change in W = change in KE

and for nonconservative systems some KE is lost. In conservative

force systems the energy is conserved therefore the work is also

conserved. For this case the change in PE = change in KE.

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

`a** The system does positive work at the expense of its kinetic

and/or potential energy.

The work done by the system against all forces is `dW_net_BY.

`dW_net_BY is equal and opposite to `dW_net_ON, which is in turn

equal to `dKE, the change in the kinetic energy of the system.

We conclude that `dW_net_BY = - `dKE. The change in KE is

equal and opposite to the work done by the system against the net

force acting on it.

To consider the role of PE, we first review our formulation in

terms of the work done ON the system:

`dW_net_ON = `dKE.

The work `dW_net_ON is the sum of the work done on the system by

conservative and nonconservative forces:

`dW_net_ON = `dW_cons_ON + `dW_NC_ON

and `dW_cons_ON is equal and opposite to `dPE, the change in the

system's PE.

Thus `dW_net_ON = `dW_NC_ON - `dPE so that `dW_net_ON =

`dW_cons_ON + `dW_NC_ON becomes

`dW_NC ON - `dPE = `dKE so that

`dW_NC_ON = `dPE + `dKE.

Since `dW_NC_BY = - `dW_NC_ON, we see that

-`dW_NC_BY = `dPE + `dKE so that

`dW_NC_BY + `dPE + `dKE = 0.

Intuitively, if the system does positive work against

nonconservative forces, `dPE + `dKE must be negative, so the

total mechanical energy PE + KE of the system decreases.

(Similarly, if the system does negative work against

nonconservative forces that means nonconservative forces are

doing positive work on it, and its total mechanical will


As usual, you should think back to the most basic examples in

order to understand all these confusing symbols and subscripts

(e.g., if I lift a mass, which you know intuitively increases its

gravitational potential energy, I do positive work ON the system

consisting of the mass, the conservative force of gravity acts in

the direction opposite motion thereby doing negative work ON the

system, and the work done BY the system against gravity (being

equal and opposite to the work done ON the system by gravity) is

therefore positive).

The equation -`dW_NC_BY = `dPE + `dKE isolates the work done by

the system against nonconservative forces from the work it does

against conservative forces, the latter giving rise to the term


If the system does positive work against conservative forces

(e.g., gravity), then its PE increases.

If the system does positive work against nonconservative forces

(e.g., friction) then `dPE + `dKE is negative: PE might increase

or decrease, KE might increase or decrease, but in any even the

total PE + KE must decrease. The work done against a

nonconservative force is done at the expense of at least one, and

maybe both, the PE and KE of the system. (In terms of

gravitational forces, the system gets lower or slows down, and

maybe both, in order to do the work).

If nonconservative forces do positive work on the system, then

the system does negative work against those forces, and `dW_NC_ON

is negative. Thus -`dW_NC_ON is positive, and `dPE + `dKE is

positive. Positive work done on the system increases one or both

the PE and the KE, with a net increase in the total of the two.

(In terms of gravitational forces, the work done on system causes

it to get higher or speed up, and maybe both.)


system against nonconservative forces is the work done to

overcome friction in a system- which means energy is dissipated

in the form of thermal energy into the 'atmosphere.'

Good. Friction is a nonconservative force.

However there are other nonconservative forces--e.g., you could

be exerting a force on the system using your muscles, and that

force could be helping or hindering the system. A rocket engine

would also be exerting a nonconservative force, as would just

about any engine. These forces would be nonconservative since

once the work is done it can't be recovered.


system against conservative forces is like the work to overcome

the mass being pulled by gravity.

INSTRUCTOR COMMENT: that is one example; another might be work

to compress a spring


ok, alot to absorb but I think I am getting there. So KE is equal

to work done ON the system not BY the system...this

is a little confusing. I was thinking that when we calculate the

dw= fnet * 'ds we were caculated the work done BY the system not

on the system.?


To be very specific

`dW_net_ON = F_net_ON * `ds

is the work done by the net force acting ON the system, where

F_net_ON is the net force acting on the system.

The work-kinetic energy theorem states that

`dW_net_ON = `dKE

If positive work is done on a system, it speeds up. If negative

work is done on the system, it slows down.

From the point of view of the system, if positive work is done by

the system then the system has to 'use up' some of its kinetic

energy to do the work, so it slows.

Positive work done BY the system constitutes negative work being

done ON the system.

If part of the net force is conservative, then `dW_net_ON can be

split into `dW_net_ON_cons and `dW_net_ON_noncons.

The quantity `dPE, the change in PE, is defined to be equal and

opposite to `dW_net_ON_cons. That is,

`dPE = - `dW_net_ON_cons.

It follows that `dW_net_ON = `dW_net_ON_noncons - `dPE, so that

the work-kinetic energy theorem can be rewritten as

`dW_net_ON_noncons - `dPE = `dKE.

This is commonly rearranged to the form

`dW_net_ON_NC = `dKE + `dPE.

STUDENT COMMENT (confused by too many symbols)

Once again this makes no since to me. All the symbols lost me

We can say this first in words, then translate the words into


remember that

work done by all forces acting on a system is equal to the change

in the kinetic energy of the system, and

change in potential energy is equal and opposite to work done by

conservative forces.

Now, some forces are conservative and some are nonconservative,


work on system by all forces = work on system by nonconservative

force + work on system by conservative forces

work on system by conservative forces = - change in potential

energy so

work on system by all forces = work on system by nonconservative

force - change in potential energy

Since work on system by all forces = change in kinetic energy

work on system by nonconservative force - change in potential

energy = change in kinetic energy and thus

work on system by nonconservative force = change in potential

energy + change in kinetic energy

Saying exactly the same thing in symbols:

`dW_net = `dKE

`dPE = -`dW_cons_ON

Some forces are conservative and some are nonconservative, so

`dW_net_on = `dW_nc_on + `dW_cons_on

`dW_net_on = `dW_nc_on + (-`dPE)

`dW_net_on = `dW_nc_on - `dPE

Since `dW_net_on = `dKE

`dW_nc_on - `dPE = `dKE and thus

`dW_nc_on = `dKE + `dPE


Self-critique (if necessary): OK


Self-critique rating: 3


Question: `qclass notes: rubber band and rail

[ this refers to the activity in which we take one of the metal

ramps, which we call a 'rail', and accelerate it across the

tabletop with a rubber-band slingshot; the 'rail'

slides across the tabletop and comes to rest under the influence

of friction we can measure the frictional force and the force

vs. length characteristics of the rubber band, and consider

energy conservation with respect to this system ]

How does the work done to stretch the rubber band compare to the

work done by the rubber band on the rail, and how does the latter

compare to the work done by the rail against friction from

release of the rubber band to the rail coming to rest?


Your solution:

The work of stretching the rubber band is equal to the work the

band does on the rail. The work done on friction by the rail is

equal to that of the strecthed rubber band.

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

`a** The work done to stretch the rubber band would in an ideal

situation be available when the rubber band is released.

Assuming that the only forces acting on the rail are friction and

the force exerted by the rubber band, the work done by the rail

against friction, up through the instant the rail stops, will

equal the work done by the rubber band on the rail.

Note that in reality there is some heating and cooling of the

rubber band, so some of the energy gets lost and the rubber band

ends up doing less work on the rail than the work required to

stretch it. **


Self-critique (if necessary): OK


Self-critique rating: 3


Question: `qWhy should the distance traveled by the rail be

proportional to the F * `ds total for the rubber band?


Your solution:

Because they both have the same Fnet starting out but different

Fnet after the rail leaves the rubberband.

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

`a** Bottom line:

The system accelerates from zero to max KE then back to zero,

defining an interval for which `dKE is positive and an interval

for which `dKE is negative.

The system starts and ends at rest so the total `dKE, from the

beginning of the first interval to the end of the second, is


F_net_ave * `ds between the initial state of rest and max KE must

therefore be equal and opposite to F_net_ave * `ds between max KE

and the final state of rest.

During the second interval the net force is the frictional force,

which is assumed constant, i.e., the same no matter how far the

rubber band was pulled back.

During the second interval, therefore, F_net_ave remains

constant, so it is the coasting displacement that varies with

pullback. The coasting displacement is therefore proportional to

the F * `ds total for work done by the rubber band on the system.

More details:

The F_`ds total for the rubber band is the work done to

accelerate the rail to its maximum velocity v_max.

Let's denote this simply by F_ave * `ds, where F_ave is

understood to be the average force exerted by the rubber band

(the rubber band force is at its maximum when the rubber band is

pulled back, and decreases to 0 as it 'snaps back', accelerating

the rail; so it makes sense to talk about the average rubber band

force) and `ds is the displacement through which this force acts

(i.e., the displacement from release until the rubber band loses

contact with the rail).

While in contact with the 'rail' the rubber band exerts its force

in the direction of the system's motion and therefore does

positive work. So F_ave * `ds is positive.

The 'rail' then coasts to rest subject to the force of friction,

which acts in the direction opposite motion and therefore does

negative work. Assuming the frictional force f_frict to be

constant, and using `ds_coast for the coasting displacement, the

work done against friction is f_frict * `ds_coast.

For simplicity of notation we will neglect the presence of the

frictional force during the first interval, while the rubber band

is in contact with the 'rail'. It isn't completely accurate to

do so, but if the displacement during this interval is small

compared to the coasting distance the error is small. A comment

at the end will indicate how to easily modify these results.

We will also neglect any other forces that might be acting on the

system, so that the net force for the first phase is just the

rubber band force, and for the second phase the net force is just

the frictional force.

Now, during the first interval the rail's KE changes from 0 to

1/2 m v_max^2, where m is its mass, so by the work-KE theorem

F_ave * `ds = `dKE = 1/2 m v_max^2.

During the second interval the rail's KE changes from 1/2 m

v_max^2 to 0, so that

f_frict * `ds_coast = -1/2 m v_max^2.

Thus F_ave * `ds = - f_frict * `ds_coast so that the coasting

displacement is

`ds_coast = - (F_ave * `ds) / f_frict = (- 1 / f_frict) * F_ave

* `ds.

F_ave and f_friction are in opposite directions, so if F_ave is

positive f_frict is negative, making -1 / f_frict negative and

`ds_coast = (-1 / f_frict) * (F_ave * `ds)

indicates a direct proportionality between `ds_coast and F_ave *


The above relationship tells us that the coasting displacement is

proportional to the F * `ds total for the force exerted by the

rubber band.

To correct the oversimplification of the given solution, if that

oversimplification bothers you, you may proceed as follows

(however if you find you don't completely understand the

preceding you shouldn't confuse yourself with this until you do):

To account for the frictional force while the rubber band is in

contact with the rail, assuming that the frictional force is also

present during the first phase, we can simply replace `ds_coast

with `ds_coast + `ds. The f_frict * (`ds_coast + `ds) will be

the actual quantity that is proportional to F_ave * `ds for the

rubber band.


Self-critique (if necessary): OK


Self-critique rating: 3


Question: `qgen phy A person of mass 66 kg crouches then jumps

to a height of .8 meters. From the crouched position to the

point where the person leaves the ground the distance is 20 cm.

What average force is exerted over this 20-cm distance?


Your solution:

20 cm = .2 m

F = 66 * 9.8

F = 646.8 N

(Fnorm - 646.8 N) * (0.20 m) = 646.8 Joules.

Fnorm = 650 J / (0.20 m) + 650 N = 3250 N + 650 N = 3900 N.

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

`a** The normal force is the force between and perpendicular to

the two surfaces in contact. If the person was standing on the

floor in equilibrium, the normal force would be equal and

opposite to the person's 650 N weight.

However during the jump the person is not in equilibrium. While

in contact with the floor, the person is accelerating upward, and

this implies a net upward force. This net force is comprised of

the gravitational and normal forces:

F_net = weight + normal force.

Choosing the upward direction as positive, the person's weight is

-650 N so

F_net = -650 N + normal force.

A quick solution: This net force must do enough work to raise

the person's weight 1 meter while acting through only a .2 meter

displacement, and must therefore be 5 times the person's weight.

The normal force is equal to the net force plus the person's

weight, so is 6 times the person's weight.

The detailed reasoning is as follows:

At the top of the jump the mass is 1 meter higher than at the

bottom, so gravitational PE has increased by

`dPE = 650 N * 1 meter = 650 Joules.

The PE increase is due to the work done by the net force during

the .2 meter interval before leaving the floor. Thus

Fnet * (.20 meters) = PE increase.

Since F_net = F_normal - 650 N we have

( F_normal - 650 N ) * (.20 m) = PE increase,

and since PE increase is 650 Joules we have

( F_normal - 650 N ) * (.20 m) = 650 Joules.


(Fnormal - 650 N) * .2 meters = 650 Joules

Fnormal - 650 N = 650 J / (.2 m)

Fnormal = 650 J / (.2 m) + 650 N = 3250 N + 650 N = 3900 N.

An average force of 3900 N is required to make this jump from the

given crouch.

The information given in this problem probably doesn't correspond

with reality. A 3900 N force is equivalent to the force exerted

by a 250-lb weightlifter doing a 'squat' exercise with about 600

pounds on his shoulders. It is extremely unlikely that anyone

could exert this much force in a jump.

More likely the 'crouch' required for a 1-meter jump would be

significantly more than 20 cm. A 20-cm crouch is only about 8

inches and vertical jumps typically involve considerably more

crouch than this. With a 40-cm crouch such a jump would require

only half this total force and is probably feasible. **


I was not sure how to find the average force so I just

multiplied the mass by 9.8. After looking at the solution I am

still confused on finding the normal force of the object.


Imagine you are lying on the floor, with 2' x 2' piece of plywood

resting on your chest, and a child about half your weight

standing on the plywood. If the child does a vertical leap, what

will that feel like to you?

You can imagine the same with a person of your own size. If it's

an average person with, say, a 20-inch vertical leap, what would

that feel like? If it's someone with a 40-inch vertical leap,

what would that feel like?

In each case you are experiencing the normal force. When the

person is just standing on the board . The normal force is just

equal and opposite the person's weight and it's not difficult for

you to manage. When the person jumps, his or her legs push down,

hard, and the board (and you by extension) have to push back. In

the case of the 40-inch leap, you'll probably find that to be at

least uncomfortable.

For the person to leap the floor has to push up hard enough to

result in a net force equal to mass * acceleration (F_net = m a).

Gravity is pulling down, so the net force is (net force) = (floor

push) - (weight), so (floor push) = (net force) + (weight).


this has .2 I am not sure were .2 came from, but in this problem

we have .8


The person's altitude changes by `dy = 1 meter, from the .2 meter

crouch to the .8 meter height. So PE increases by `dPE = weight *

`dy. In this case `dPE is about 650 Joules.

The person's feet stay in contact with the floor for the first .2

meters. Only during this interval is force being exerted between

feet and floor. So the work required to raise the PE is done

during the .2 meter displacement.

Thus F_net * .2 meters = 650 Joules and F_net = 650 J / (.2 m) =

3250 N, approx..

F_net = F_normal + weight, so F_normal, the force between feet

and floor, is F_net + weight. This comes out around 3900 N.


Self-critique (if necessary): OK


Self-critique rating: 3


Question: `quniv phy text prob 4.46 (11th edition 4.42) (4.40

in 10th edition) Mercury lander near surface upward thrust 25 kN

slows at rate 1.2 m/s^2; 10 kN speeds up at .8 m/s^2; what is

weight at surface?


Your solution:

I didn't get this one but I have read the solution and I

understand it now.

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

`a** If a landing craft slows then its acceleration is in the

direction opposite to its motion, therefore upward.

If it speeds up while landing that its acceleration is in the

direction of its motion, therefore downward.

If the upward motion is taken as the positive direction, then the

acceleration under a thrust of 25 kN is + 1.2 m/s^2, and the

acceleration when under thrust of 10 kN is - .8 m/s^2.

In either case m * a = net force.

Net force is thrust force + gravitational force.

1 st case, net force is 25 kN so m * 1.2 m/s/s + m * g = 25 kN.

1 st case, net force is 10 kN so m * (-.8 m/s/s ) + m * g = 10


Solve these equations simultaneously to get the weight m * g

(multiply 1 st eqn by 2 and 2d by 3 and add equations to

eliminate the first term on the left-hand side of each equation;

solve for m * g).

The solution is m * g = 16 kN.

Another solution:

In both cases F / a = m so if upward is positive and weight is wt

we have

(25 kN - wt) / (1.2 m/s^2) = m and

(10 kN - wt) / (-.8 m/s^2) = m so

(25 kN - wt) / (1.2 m/s^2) = (10 kN - wt) / (-.8 m/s^2).

Solving for wt we get 16 kN. **


Self-critique (if necessary): OK


Self-critique rating: 3

&#Very good responses. Let me know if you have questions. &#