course Phy 231
A rubber band has no tension until it reaches a length of 7.5 cm. Beyond that length its tension increases by .7 Newtons for every additional centimeter of length. What will be its tension if its endpoints are at the points (5 cm, 9 cm) and (10 cm, 17 cm) as measured on an x-y coordinate system?
The rubber band is being stretched 9.43cm. so the tension on the band is equal to 9.43-7.5 which equals 1.93cm*.7N which equals 1.35N.
What is the vector from the first point to the second?
The vector from the first point to the second is equal to <5,8>
What is the magnitude of this vector?
The magnitude of this vector is equal to 9.43
What vector do you get when you divide this vector by its magnitude? (Specify the x and y components of the resulting vector).
The vector you get is a unit vector which equals <.53,.84>
What vector do you get when you multiply this new vector by the tension?
What are the x and y coordinates of the new vector?
I feel like I have messed something up!
You got everything but the last step, which you will easily understand from the link. No revision is necessary.
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Please compare your solutions with the expanded discussion at the link
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