Mth 173
Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
** Question Form_labelMessages **
Week 1 Questions
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Calculus I Week I
The DERIVE worksheet is available in the Learning Lab (ask attendant for directions if necessary, but wait until I tell you in an email next week; the system has been changed and I need to find out exactly how so I can describe it to you) and in the Math/Science Lab (there's an icon on the Desktop of your computer display).
We start with the model the depth vs. time for water leaking from a uniform cylinder, as demonstrated on the video clip. On the CD, view the clips that are relevant to your course.
This model involves simultaneous linear equations and their solution and quadratic functions, and the work we do here constitutes a pretty good review of these ideas.
The process of analyzing data and relating to what we actually see in the real world by the mathematical modeling process allows us to see how calculus is used in many real-world situations.
The flow-and-depth model will serve throughout the course as a paradigm for understanding the main concepts of calculus.
The Randomized Problems all go into a problem bank from which major quizzes and tests are constructed. These problems are therefore doubly worthy of your attention.
There is no text assignment for Week 1. However, you might want to begin your work on Chapter 1.
It is essential that you fully understand chapter 1, which is a review of what you should have learned but nobody ever does completely learn in Precalculus. If you don't understand this stuff when we start applying the Calculus to it, you will probably find at that time that you are lost with no hope--unless you have a math IQ over 150 or so you just can't hope to learn both the calculus and the precalculus at the same time. Review the precalculus now so you have it when you need it.
Our review of Chapter 1 will take us through the fifth week of the term. During this time we will be developing, in the context of the flow model and other models, the main ideas of the subject. This will allow us to move quickly through Chapters 2-5.
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I am concerned about the labeling of Week 1 in the assignments that are scheduled for Week 2 in the Due Dates Document. Will I need to complete these assignments during this week or in week 2?
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Should I complete Assignments 0 and 1 during Week 1 (1/7 - 1/13) or during Week 2 (1/14 - 1/20)?
Very good question.
The title of that document was misleading. It refers to work you will begin in the upcoming week.
The document to which you are referring has been relabeled to avoid the confusion.
Thanks for pointing this out.