Assignment 13

course Mth 174

vЅyY}tIǵassignment #013


Physics II




query problem 9.4.4 (9.3.6 3d edition). Using a comparison test determine whether the series sum(1/(3^n+1),n,1,infinity) converges.



I concluded that 1 / (3^n + 1) <= 1 / (3^n) because the larger the denominator, the lower the value. From n=1 to n=inf, the series converges because sum(1 / x^p), p, 1, infinity) converges when p >= 1. And for all n values from 1 to infinity, they are greater than or equal to 1.

Good work. Your solution is more to the point than the student solution I generally post. For comparison:

GOOD STUDENT SOLUTION WITH COMMENT: For large values of n, this series is similar to 1 / 3^n. As n approaches infinity, 1 / 3^n approaches 0. A larger number in the denominator means that the value of the function will be smaller. So, (1 / 3^n) > (1 / (3^n + 1)). We know that since 1 / 3^n converges, so does 1 / (3^n + 1).

COMMENT: We know that 1 / (3^n) converges by the ratio test: The limit of a(n+1) / a(n) is (1 / 3^(n+1) ) / (1 / 3^n) = 1/3, so the series converges.

We can also determine this from an integral test. The integral of b^x, from x = 0 to infinity, converges whenever b is less than 1 (antiderivative is 1 / ln(b) * b^x; as x -> infinity the expression b^x approaches zero, as long as b < 1).




With what known series did you compare this series, and how did you show that the comparison was valid?






Query 9.4.10 3d edition 9.3.12). What is the radius of convergence of the series 1 / (2 n) ! and how did you use the ratio test to establish your result?



lim(n -> inf) abs[a(n+1)] / abs[a(n)] = L. Converges when L < 1.

a(n) = 1 / (2n)!

a(n+1) = 1 / (2n + 1)!

[1 / (2n + 1)!] / [1 / (2n)!] = (2n)! / (2n + 1)!

= (2n)(2n - 1)(2n - 2).... / (2n + 1)(2n)(2n - 1)(2n - 2)....

I cancel out (2n)(2n - 1)(2n - 2)..... to get 1 / (2n + 1)

limit as n approaches infinity 1 / (2n + 1) = 0

So the series converges.

Very good. FYI:

*&*& The ratio test takes the limit as n -> infinity of a(n+1) / a(n). If the limit is less than 1 then the series converges in much the same way as a geometric series sum(r^n), with r equal to the limiting ratio.

In this case a(n+1) = 1 / (2n + 2)! and a(n) = 1 / (2n) ! so

a(n+1) / a(n)

= 1 / (2n+2) ! / [ 1 / (2n) ! ]

= (2n) ! / (2n + 2) !

= [ 2n * (2n-1) * (2n-2) * (2n - 3) * ... * 1 ] / [ (2n + 2) * (2n + 1) * (2n) * (2n - 1) * ... * 1 ]

= 1 / [ (2n+2) ( 2n+1) ].

As n -> infinity this result approaches zero. Thus the series converges for all values of n, and the radius of convergence is infinite. *&*&




Query problem 9.4.40 (3d edition 9.3.18) (was 9.2.24) partial sums of 1-.1+.01-.001 ... o what does the series converge?



I didn't really grasp this part of the section. I know that a series converges if 0 < a(n+1) < a(n) and lim (n -> inf) a(n) = 0. In this series I set a(n) = (-1)^n * 10^(-n) and a(n +1) = -1^(n + 1) * 10^(-n + 1)

Limit as n approaches infinity = 0 so it converges.




What are the first five partial sums of the series?



The first five partial sums are 1, .9, .91, .9109, .91091

Good. For comparison and to see the final convergent value:

This is an alternating series with | a(n) | = .1^n, for n = 0, 1, 2, ... .

Thus limit{n->infinity}(a(n)) = 0.

An alternating series for which | a(n) | -> 0 is convergent.

This proves convergence.

Its worth looking at the partial sums. There is a pattern to these partial sums:

The first member of the series is 1.

The second member is 1 - .1 = .9.

The third member is 1 - .1 + .01= .91.

The fourth member is 1 - .1 + .01 - .001 = .909.

Continuing this process we see that the members of the sequence are 1, .9, .91, .909, .9091, .90909, ... . It's easy enough to show that the pattern continues, so the convergent value is .9090909... .




Query 9.5.6. What is your expression for the general term of the series p x + p(p-1) / 2! * x^2 + p(p-1)(p-2) / 3! * x^3 + ?



Since each term, after the first term, has a denominator I figured it to be (1 / n!). Each term is also increasing by x^n. The other part I was unsure of, but my guess was (p - n)!

So my general term is: [p * (p - n)! * x^n] / (n + 1)!]

Right idea. See the following for all the details:

The general term is the coefficient of x^n.

In this case you would have the factors of x^2, x^3 etc. go down to p-1, p-2 etc.; the last factor is p minus one greater than the exponent of x. So the factor of x^n would go down to p - n + 1.

This factor would therefore be p ( p - 1) ( p - 2) ... ( p - n + 1).

This expression can be written as p ! / (p-n) !. All the terms of p ! after (p - n + 1) will divide out, leaving you the desired expression p ( p - 1) ( p - 2) ... ( p - n + 1).

The nth term is therefore (p ! / (p - n) !) / n! * x^n, of the form a(n) x^2 with a(n) = p ! / (n ! * (p - n) ! )




Query 9.5.18. What is the radius of convergence of the series x / 3 + 2 x^2 / 5 + 3 x^2 / 7 + ?



My general ratio for this is [n * x^n] / [1 + 2n]

As n -> infinity, the limit of abs[a(n) + 1] / abs[ a(n)] = zero so raius equals infinity.

The denominator is 1 + 2 n. The numerator is n; the numerator does not include x^n. You didn't work out the details of your limit, but you'll understand the following:

To find the radius of convergence you first find the limit of the ratio | a(n+1) / a(n) | as n -> infinity. The radius of convergence is the reciprocal of this limit.

a(n+1) / a(n) = ( n / (2n+1) ) / (n+1 / (2(n+1) + 1) ) = (2n + 3) / (2n + 1) * n / (n+1).

(2n + 3) / (2n + 1) = ( 1 + 3 / (2n) ) / (1 + 1 / (2n) ), obtained by dividing both numerator and denominator by 2n. In this form we see that as n -> infinity, this expression approaches ( 1 + 0) / ( 1 + 0) = 1.

Similarly n / (n+1) = 1 / (1 + 1/n), which also approaches 1.

Thus (2n + 3) / (2n + 1) * n / (n+1) approaches 1 * 1 = 1, and the limit of a(n+1) / a(n) is therefore 1.

The radius of convergence is the reciprocal of this ratio, which is 1.




What is your expression for the general term of this series, and how did you use this expression to find the radius of convergence?






Query 9.5.28 (3d edition 9.4.24). What is the radius of convergence of the series p x + p(p-1) / 2! * x^2 + p(p-1)(p-2) * x^3 + and how did you obtain your result?



I found the general term to be (p * p! * x^n) / n!

To find the radius I put it in terms of abs(a(n) + 1) / abs(a(n))

a(n) = (p * p! * x^n) / n!

a(n + 1) = (p * p! * x^(n + 1) / (n + 1)!

abs(a(n) + 1) / abs(a(n)) = abs[p * p! * x^(n + 1) * n!] / abs[p * p! * x^n * (n + 1)!]

limit as n approaches infinty is abs[p * p! * x] / abs[p * p! * (1)!

I know the rules for finding a radius, but I am stuck here and do not know where to go.


*&*& As seen in 9.4.6 we have

a(n) = p ! / (n ! * (p - n) ! ) so

a(n+1) = p ! / [ (n+1) ! * ( p - (n+1) ) ! ] and

a(n+1) / a(n) = { p ! / [ (n+1) ! * ( p - (n+1) ) ! ] } / {p ! / (n ! * (p - n) ! ) }

= (n ! * ( p - n) !) / {(n+1)! * (p - n - 1) ! }

= (p - n) / (n + 1).

This expression can be written as

(p / n - 1) / (1/n + 1). As n -> infinity both p/n and 1/n approach zero so our limit is -1 / 1 = -1.

Thus the limiting value of | a(n+1) / a(n) | is 1 and the radius of convergence is 1/1 = 1. *&*&


This looks good. See my notes. Let me know if you have any questions. &#