randomproblem wk4 qz2

course phy201

7/3 8

An object is given an unknown initial velocity up a long ramp on which its acceleration is known to have magnitude 5 cm/s^2.  .325 seconds later it passes a point 5.6 cm up the ramp from its initial position. •What are its possible initial velocities, and what is a possible scenario for each? 

• What is the maximum distance the object travels up the ramp?

I don't know exactly how to do this problem but here is how far i have gotten:

if we know that the ball has traveled 5.6cm in .325 seconds then the vAve would be equal to 5.6/.325= 17.23cm/s.Then we can figure out the change in velocity by multiplying the 5cm/s^2 by .325s which equals 1.625. Since we know the average velocity the initial and final must add up to twice that much and since the object is going up the ramp that means that the initial velocity will be 1.625cm/s more than the final velocity. So a posiible solution for the initial and final velocities would be 18.0425m/s and 16.4175m/s.

I don't know where to go from here.

Very good reasoning.

The acceleration can be positive or negative (e.g., the object could be coasting, in which case its acceleration would be down the incline, or it could have some sort of propulsion and possibly an acceleration up the incline).

In the case of an acceleration down the incline, the ball will continue until its velocity reaches zero. You shouldn't have any trouble figuring that out, but of course ask questions if you aren't sure.
