Phy 202
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** Question Form_labelMessages **
Capacitor-generator ?
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Could you send me a picture of what a capacitor-generator looks like? I have a co-worker who has a crank generator that I can borrow, he removed it from an old phone. He has other things I can borrow but I'm not sure what to borrow. Or can you name exactly what I will need so that I can see if he has it?
It won't look anything like the generator from the phone. The key is how many volts and how many amps it puts out when cranked.
If you can get him to run it through a meter and answer those questions, and at what rate it was being cranked for each reading, I can tell you whether it will work.
You won't likely be able to borrow a safe 1-Farad capacitor. I wouldn't want you to work with a typical capacitor of that capacity unless you were quite experienced with dangerous voltages and currents.
It is very possible that you could borrow an analog meter that meets the provided specifications. Digital meters don't provide good data with hand-cranked generators.