Your 'timer program' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
** Your General Comment **
none at this time
** Describe what you see on your first 10 clicks **
It looks like the time between sucessive mouse clicks with the total time displayed at the top.
1 22.6875 22.6875
2 24.48438 1.796875
3 25.07813 .59375
4 25.64063 .5625
5 26.1875 .546875
6 26.65625 .46875
7 27.21875 .5625
8 27.73438 .515625
9 28.26563 .53125
10 28.82813 .5625
** Your TIMER data from 20 fast clicks **
1 8.265625 8.265625
2 8.53125 .265625
3 8.765625 .234375
4 8.984375 .21875
5 9.171875 .1875
6 9.375 .203125
7 9.5625 .1875
8 9.78125 .21875
9 9.96875 .1875
10 10.1875 .21875
11 10.53125 .34375
12 10.73438 .203125
13 10.9375 .203125
14 11.14063 .203125
15 11.32813 .1875
16 11.53125 .203125
17 11.73438 .203125
18 11.92188 .1875
19 12.14063 .21875
20 12.39063 .25
** Your average time interval for 20 time intervals **
Intervals are typically between .1 sec and .25 sec. Smaller intervals are sometimes observed between quick clicks--some people are just plain quick on this exercise. Intervals greater than .3 seconds or so are almost certainly not the result of 'quick clicks'; if you had intervals in this range within your sequence of clicks then you should have tried another sequence, until you could get 20 good clicks. While you do want to report the TIMER's complete output, you should not include in your analysis intervals that do not correspond to the quantity being observed.For example, you might well have something like 30 seconds, or more, between the time you started the program and the time you started your 'quick clicks'. You would not report that as one of your intervals. You might have a number of lapses between sequences of quick clicks, and you might have made an extra click after finishing the quick-click sequence. These long intervals would not be reported in your frequency distribution.
1. Copied the results from the timer program to notepad
2. Imported the notpad file into Excel using space delimited.
3. Used the Exce Avg function to calculate the average time.
** Your frequency distribution for the 20 time intervals (interval, number of times it was observed) **
** Your general comment to this point **
I am slower than you were, or maybe my mouse is slower?
** Why did you observe only certain time intervals? **
No the timer program is not flawed it is measuring the time by bits or nibbles i.e. Binary
** What did you see when you looked at the differences between time successive time intervals? **
The timer program resolution is 4 digits. 1/4
** Your time intervals for 7 complete breaths: **
** Your general comment to this point: **
No comments at this time
** Why did you rarely, if ever, observe that same time interval twice? **
The error would increase as the time increased and the breathing would not be as acurate as a defined mouse click.
** Do you think this program is accurate to .1 or .01 ... **
** Copy of a few lines of your spreadsheet from the TIMER program. **
5 9.171875 0.1875 3/16 5 11.25
7 9.5625 0.1875 3/16 11.25
9 9.96875 0.1875 3/16 11.25
15 11.32813 0.1875 3/16 11.25
18 11.92188 0.1875 3/16 11.25
6 9.375 0.203125 13/64 6 12.1875
12 10.73438 0.203125 13/64 12.1875
13 10.9375 0.203125 13/64 12.1875
14 11.14063 0.203125 13/64 12.1875
16 11.53125 0.203125 13/64 12.1875
17 11.73438 0.203125 13/64 12.1875
** **
** **
No comments at this time.
Note my comment on the average time interval between clicks, which was closer to .2 seconds than to the .61 seconds you reported.
The rest looks good.