Phy 121
Your 'timer program' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
** Your General Comment **
** Describe what you see on your first 10 clicks **
it gives me a time in seconds along with the difference between the given time and the time calculated immediately before it.
** Your TIMER data from 20 fast clicks **
1 163.4141 163.4141
2 163.5391 .125
3 163.7422 .203125
4 163.8828 .140625
5 163.9766 .09375
6 164.0703 .09375
7 164.1953 .125
8 164.2891 .09375
9 164.3984 .109375
10 164.5078 .109375
11 164.6328 .125
12 164.7266 .09375
13 164.8672 .140625
14 164.9922 .125
15 165.0859 .09375
16 165.1797 .09375
17 165.2969 .1171875
18 165.4219 .125
19 165.5 .078125
20 165.6563 .15625
21 165.7813 .125
22 165.9375 .15625
23 166.0625 .125
24 166.1719 .109375
25 166.3125 .140625
26 166.5156 .203125
** Your average time interval for 20 time intervals **
I wasn't aware of the easier way to do it so I added all of them together and divided the sum by 20.
** Your frequency distribution for the 20 time intervals (interval, number of times it was observed) **
.2031, 1
0.1406, 2
0.09375, 6
0.109375, 2
0.1172, 1
0.0781, 1
0.15625, 1
** Your general comment to this point **
I do not know what the easier way of finding the average is.
** Why did you observe only certain time intervals? **
The program may only be able to detect a certain amount of numbers between two whole numbers. It does not mean that the program is flawed, it just means that the time may not be exact to the 4th decimal place.
** What did you see when you looked at the differences between time successive time intervals? **
The third column tells us that the Timer program may only have 3 different numbers in there negative and positive form that can be used to estimate the difference in intervals.
** Your time intervals for 7 complete breaths: **
** Your general comment to this point: **
** Why did you rarely, if ever, observe that same time interval twice? **
This is what we would expect because the timer can detect times in seconds within about one tenth or one hundreth, but it is harder to calculate seconds within anything more than that when the clicks are really fast.
** Do you think this program is accurate to .1 or .01 ... **
The timer program is capable of determining the time between two events to within 0.01 seconds because there are numbers that vary to the hundreth but nothing else.
** Copy of a few lines of your spreadsheet from the TIMER program. **
2 23.42969 3.664063
3 27.53516 4.105469
4 32.01172 4.476563
5 36.16016 4.148438
6 41.18359 5.023438
7 45.45703 4.273438
** **
It took me about 45 minutes.
** **
Very good responses. Let me know if you have questions.