Mth 279
Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
** Question Form_labelMessages **
Assignment Clarification
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Here is the document again, if you need to look at it:
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Thank you for answering my previous questions. I realized that I was sometimes getting a different document when I clinked on the assignment link because I didn't realize that there were 2 different links, I thought it was all the same. There is the Problems link and the Query # link. Basically, that document I have is for sections 2.2 - 6.3. (These sections are the course sections NOT the corresponding book sections, just to make sure I am not confusing you.) However, the class goes to section 7.4. Am I missing anything for the sections between 6.3 and 7.4? Or does this document cover the assignments for the entire course? This document comes up for all the assignments' Problems links, from assignment 1 to assignment 34, which leads me to believe this document encompasses all of the assignments for the course.
Thank you for your time!
OK, I've seen what you mean.
The Problems document does seem to stop at 6.3. It should go through 7.4.
I'll need to either locate the correct document or append the remaining problems, which I'll do soon.
Thanks for pointing this out.