Mth 279
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** Question Form_labelMessages **
Turning in Problems Document
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I was wondering if you would have objections to me turning in my work on the Problems document by emailing you my work instead of putting it into a Word document. I have been doing it all on paper and have been worrying about typing up 30+ pages of work. I have a convertible tablet, so if there is anyway I can just hand copy my work with my tablet and email it to you as a PDF, that would be much easier. Thank you.
This might work, but there are caveats:
I can't provide much feedback to a PDF, and I can't promise to respond immediately. Keeping track of paper is a separate function, and form data takes precedence.
However I do keep track of tests, which are on paper, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
I would need the problem statement to accompany each problem. I can't efficiently review work if I need to look back and forth between two documents. You could print out the problems and tape a copy to the pages you would scan, or you could do that electronically.
The scans would of course need to be completely legible.
I can provide some feedback to this format, though sometimes the feedback will be to the effect that in order to get the feedback you need a certain problem will have to be submitted in text format.