understanding first assignments

Phy 121

Your 'understanding first assignments' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

** your comments **

I have submitted everything required through the first Assignments, including all forms and SEND files created by q_a_ and/or query assignments, and everything submitted is posted at my access site, with the exception of 2 items I submitted last evening.

** copy access page **

Your Menu


Initial Links













** process of finding access page< **

** prelim assts completed, anything missing? **

I believe I have finally completed all of the following that I found on my access page:

Assignments 0-4: Introduction, Uniformly Accelerated Motion

Distance Students: BE SURE YOU HAVE CONTACTED YOUR INSTRUCTOR BY EMAIL. You will receive instructions for orientation and assessment.

DISTANCE STUDENTS: NOTE VIDEO VERSIONS OF CLASS NOTES ON CD's, Starting with CD #2. See CD Contents for table of contents.

Read instructions for , which are packaged with your first set of CDs. Read also Common Items not supplied with Lab Materials.

Assignment 0

Distance Students should have completed Orientation and Startup according to instructions received through student's VCCS email account. If instructions have not been received, email the instructor immediately.


Note: Since you will be using them repeatedly, you might wish to download the files q_a_ph1_1_14_070107a.exe and query_ph1_1_20_070107a.exe, which are the q_a_ and query programs for the first part of this course. The files can be run from your Internet browser but unless you have a fast connection there will be a delay as they load, and they will run faster from your hard drive or flash drive.

These programs create SEND files like the ones you have submitted for the Orientation. The SEND files created by both programs contain in their filename the current date (e.g., 0214 for February 14). The SEND files created by the q_a_ program also contain in their filename the name you give when prompted by the program to give your name. Those created by the Query program do not contain your name.


If you don't have a ruler, get one, marked in metric units (centimeters); it's OK if it's also marked in inches, but the metric units are essential. You may also click on Rulers and print out the page, which contains images of about six reasonably accurate rulers.

Be sure you have completed the Preliminary Assignment above.

** any notes on documentation/self critique **

At first I did not use these functions corretly, but after reviewing my notes from you and making adjustments, I believe I figured this out by the third submission of work... I have also re-done work assigments as requested.

** copy of due dates or details of process **

Weeks 1-4, Through Major Quiz

Week 01: Week of 09/01/08 - 09/07/08. Assignments 0, 1 and associated class notes

Week 02: Week of 09/08/08 - 09/14/08. Assignments 2, 3, 4 and associated class notes

Week 03: Week of 09/15/08 - 09/21/08. Assignments 5, 6, 7 and associated class notes

Week 04: Week of 09/22/08 - 09/28/08. Assignments 8, 9, 10 and associated class notes

** >copy of asst 1 **

Assignment 1

Go to the form 'Seed' Question 1.1, do as instructed and submit.

Go to the form 'Seed' Question 1.2, do as instructed and submit.

Watch the video of the Honda add at http://www.videoclipstream.com/akamai/h-l/honda/ or http://www.ebaumsworld.com/honda-ad.html. The animations are fairly small and not particularly clear in some of the details but either one shows almost everything. If you have RealPlayer there are other links with larger and clearer pictures. You can also search the Web under Honda Cog Commercial for better or alternative links. Everything that happens there is physics and as this course progresses you will develop an understanding of the principles and laws that govern this system. Preferably read the background first (link below), which takes a few minutes but is worth it. If you want to read about the process (this stuff all really happened and it took a team of engineers over 600 takes until it all worked) click on Honda commercial background.htm .

Submit the form Formatting Guidelines and Conventions before doing any subsequent experiments. This form shouldn't take you over 30 minutes.

Complete the lab Error Analysis I.

Complete the lab-related exercise Fitting a Straight Line.

When you have completed Assignment 1 run query_assts_0_1. Enter 1 for the number of the assignment. Submit the SEND file using the Submit Work Form.

** links in asst 1 **

form 'Seed' Question 1.1,

form 'Seed' Question 1.2,

Watch the video of the Honda add at http://www.videoclipstream.com/akamai/h-l/honda/ or http://www.ebaumsworld.com/honda-ad.html.

If you want to read about the process (this stuff all really happened and it took a team of engineers over 600 takes until it all worked) click on Honda commercial background.htm .

Formatting Guidelines and Conventions

Complete the lab Error Analysis I.

Fitting a Straight Line.


Submit Work Form.

** description of content of each link **

'Seed' questions, a Honda Accord commercial, A form on Formatting Guidelines and Conventions, and several Run program assigments...

** instructions for qa and/or query **

When you have completed Assignment 1 run query_assts_0_1. Enter 1 for the number of the assignment. Submit the SEND file using the Submit Work Form.

** qa and query filenames for asst 1 **

q_a_ph1_1_14_070107a.exe and query_ph1_1_20_070107a.exe, and query_ph1_qa_format_part_2_060313.exe

** instr for text assts **

I am not quiet sure what you mean, as they all require some typing, but I guess'Seed' Question 1.1,and 'Seed' Question 1.2, are the most texty...

** work text probs on paper; submit thru query after completing asst **

** what must be and what may be submitted **

I will work my text problems out on paper. I may, but am not required to submit them, but will have my work in front of me when I do the Query, along with all other work I have done in the assignment. The query should be completed after completing all other tasks in the assignment.

If I have questions on some of the text problems I may submit them using the Submit Work form. They must be in word-processed format, including a brief statement of each problem and a complete description of my thinking on the problem, what I do and do not understand about the problem, and if I have been able to attempt a solution, and the details of my attempt.

Handwritten homework, and copies of handwritten homework, are generally not accepted.

** include everything in one document **

** use paper **

Graphs and writing out complicated mathematical expressions should be handwritten then transcribed as necessary into the Query or qa program.

When working through a q_a_ assignment I do jot down notes, on paper, as I go.

Problems are frequently broken down to span several questions, and I will often need information from a previous question to answer a subsequent question. These notes need not be extensive, though sometimes they will be.

&#Your work looks good. Let me know if you have any questions. &#